Commit a9478ff1 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Expanded the INSTALLATION section in README

parent 0070ecf8
......@@ -132,23 +132,40 @@ Example
Installation requires the Varnish source tree (only the source matching the
binary installation).
Installation requires the Varnish source tree, whose version must
match the version of the binary installation.
Quick start
1. ``./`` (for git-installation)
2. ``./configure VARNISHSRC=/path/to/your/varnish/source/varnish-cache``
3. ``make``
4. ``make install`` (may require root: sudo make install)
5. ``make check`` (Optional for regression tests)
4. ``make check`` (regression tests)
5. ``make install`` (may require root: sudo make install)
``VARNISHSRC`` is the directory of the Varnish source tree against
which to compile the vmod.
Optionally, you can also set the vmod install dir by adding
``VMODDIR=DIR`` in the ``configure`` step (defaults to the pkg-config
discovered directory from your Varnish installation).
For developers
As with Varnish itself, you can set additional flags and macros in the
``configure`` step, and you can use any of these options:
VARNISHSRCDIR is the directory of the Varnish source tree for which to
compile your vmod. Both the VARNISHSRCDIR and VARNISHSRCDIR/include
will be added to the include search paths for your module.
* ``--enable-developer-warnings``
* ``--enable-extra-developer-warnings`` (for GCC 4)
* ``--enable-werror``
Optionally you can also set the vmod install dir by adding VMODDIR=DIR
(defaults to the pkg-config discovered directory from your Varnish
The vmod must always build successfully with these options enabled.
Also as with Varnish, you can add ``--enable-debugging-symbols``, so
that the vmod's symbols are available to debuggers, in core dumps and
so forth.
......@@ -176,7 +193,7 @@ message is emitted to Varnish's shared memory log using the
``VCL_error`` tag, and the match always fails.
To maintain per-session state about the most recent regex matches, the
vmod creates a table at initialization sized to the maximum file
vmod creates a table at initialization, sized to the maximum file
descriptor number (``ulimit -n``) defined for Varnish's process owner
(since Varnish 3 uses file descriptor numbers as session
IDs). Moreover, it fails an assertion (aborting Varnish) if the
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