Commit dfc71a11 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

updated README to include match_dyn, and some more details

parent 33f47f4c
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Varnish Module for Regular Expression Matching with Backref Capture
:Manual section: 3
:Author: Geoffrey Simmons
:Date: 2013-09-09
:Date: 2013-09-13
:Version: 0.1
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ SYNOPSIS
import re;
re.match(<string>, <regular expresssion>)
re.match_dyn(<string>, <regular expresssion>)
re.backref(<integer>, <fallback>)
......@@ -41,6 +42,11 @@ Example VCL::
sub vcl_fetch {
if (re.match_dyn(req.http.Cookie, beresp.http.X-Regex)) {
set resp.http.Foo = re.backref(1, "");
......@@ -50,13 +56,35 @@ Prototype
Determines whether a string matches the given regular expression;
functionally equivalent to VCL's infix operator `~`. It is subject
to the same limitations, for example as set by the runtime
paramters `pcre_match_limit` and `pcre_match_limit_recursion`.
Determines whether a string matches the given regular
expression, which never changes for the lifetime of the VCL;
functionally equivalent to VCL's infix operator ``~`` for
fixed regex patterns.
``re.match`` only matches against the pattern provided the
first time it's called, and does not detect whether the
pattern is changed after that.
``re.match(beresp.http.Surrogate-Control, "max-age=(\d+);mysite")``
re.match_dyn(<string>, <regular expression>)
Determines whether a string matches the given regular
expression, which may change during the lifetime of the VCL;
equivalent to VCL's infix operator ``~`` for arbitrary regex
``re.match_dyn`` is less efficient than ``re.match``, so if you
are matching against a fixed regex, you should use ``re.match``.
``re.match_dyn(req.http.Cookie, beresp.http.X-Regex)``
......@@ -66,19 +94,25 @@ Returns
Extracts the `nth` subexpression of the most recent successful
call to `re.match()` in the current session, or a fallback string
in case the extraction fails. Backref 0 indicates the full match.
Thus this function behaves like the `\\n` symbols in `regsub`
and `regsuball`, and the `$1`, `$2` ... variables in Perl.
call to ``re.match()`` or ``re.match_dyn`` in the same VCL
subroutine in the current session, or a fallback string in
case the extraction fails. Backref 0 indicates the entire
matched string. Thus this function behaves like the ``\\n``
symbols in ``regsub`` and ``regsuball``, and the ``$1``,
``$2`` ... variables in Perl.
After unsuccessful matches, the ``fallback`` string is returned
for any call to ``re.backref``.
After unsuccessful matches, the `fallback` string is returned
for any call to `re.backref()`.
The VCL infix operators ``~`` and ``!~`` do not affect this
function, nor do ``regsub`` or ``regsuball``.
The VCL infix operators `~` and `!~` do not affect this function,
nor do `regsub` or `regsuball`.
``re.backref`` can extract up to 10 subexpressions, in
addition to to the full expression indicated by backref 0.
`re.backref` can extract up to 10 subexpressions, in addition to
to the full expression indicated by backref 0.
If ``re.backref`` is called without any prior call to
``re.match`` or ``re.match_dyn`` in the same VCL subroutine,
then the result is undefined.
``set beresp.ttl = std.duration(re.backref(1, "120"), 120s);``
......@@ -90,7 +124,7 @@ Prototype
Returns the string constant version-number of the header vmod.
Returns the version string for this vmod.
``set resp.http.X-re-version = re.version();``
......@@ -101,11 +135,11 @@ INSTALLATION
Installation requires the Varnish source tree (only the source matching the
binary installation).
1. `./` (for git-installation)
2. `./configure VARNISHSRC=/path/to/your/varnish/source/varnish-cache`
3. `make`
4. `make install` (may require root: sudo make install)
5. `make check` (Optional for regression tests)
1. ``./`` (for git-installation)
2. ``./configure VARNISHSRC=/path/to/your/varnish/source/varnish-cache``
3. ``make``
4. ``make install`` (may require root: sudo make install)
5. ``make check`` (Optional for regression tests)
VARNISHSRCDIR is the directory of the Varnish source tree for which to
compile your vmod. Both the VARNISHSRCDIR and VARNISHSRCDIR/include
......@@ -120,8 +154,10 @@ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Author: Geoffrey Simmons <>, UPLEX Nils Goroll Systemoptimierung.
The implementation was inspired by ideas from Nils Goroll's esicookies VMOD
and pmatch patch for Varnish 2, and by Kristian Lyngstøl's header VMOD.
The implementation was inspired by ideas from Nils Goroll's esicookies
VMOD and pmatch patch for Varnish 2, and by Kristian Lyngstøl's header
......@@ -130,12 +166,18 @@ HISTORY
Version 0.1: Initial version
The regular expressions in ``re.match`` and ``re.match_dyn`` are
compiled at run-time, so there are no errors at VCL compile-time for
invalid expressions. If an expression is invalid, then an error
message is emitted to Varnish's shared memory log using the
``VCL_error`` tag, and the match always fails.
You can't use dynamic regular expressions, which also holds true for normal
regular expressions in regsub(), but VCL isn't able to warn you about this
when it comes to vmods yet.
Regular expression matching is subject to the same limitations that
hold for standard regexen in VCL, for example as set by the runtime
parameters `pcre_match_limit` and `pcre_match_limit_recursion`.
......@@ -143,11 +185,12 @@ SEE ALSO
* varnishd(1)
* vcl(7)
* pcre(3)
This document is licensed under the same license as the
libvmod-header project. See LICENSE for details.
This document is licensed under the same license as the libvmod-re
project. See LICENSE for details.
* Copyright (c) 2013 UPLEX Nils Goroll Systemoptimierung
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