Commit 8fc8bdc6 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

add tests for non-capturing parentheses with the suball() function

parent 751883ce
......@@ -32,6 +32,10 @@ varnish v1 -vcl+backend {
set beresp.http.sub = barbaz.sub(, "\0\1\2");
set beresp.http.subf = re2.sub("(?:bar)(baz)",,
set beresp.http.suball
= barbaz.suball(, "\0\1\2");
set beresp.http.suballf
= re2.suball("(?:bar)(baz)",, "\0\1\2");
} -start
......@@ -47,6 +51,8 @@ client c1 {
expect resp.http.foo2f == "fallback"
expect resp.http.sub == "barbazbaz"
expect resp.http.subf == "barbazbaz"
expect resp.http.suball == "barbazbaz"
expect resp.http.suballf == "barbazbaz"
} -run
logexpect l1 -v v1 -d 1 -g vxid -q "VCL_Error" {
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