Commit a8d74646 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Adjust to changed WS_* interface.

parent 51f9d6e5
......@@ -383,8 +383,8 @@ vmod_set_match(VRT_CTX, struct vmod_re2_set *set, VCL_STRING subject)
CAST_OBJ(task, priv->priv, TASK_SET_MATCH_MAGIC);
buf = WS_Front(ctx->ws);
buflen = WS_ReserveAll(ctx->ws);
buf = WS_Reservation(ctx->ws);
if ((err = vre2set_match(set->set, subject, &match, buf, buflen,
&task->nmatches, &errkind)) != NULL) {
VERR(ctx, ERR_PREFIX "%s", set->vcl_name, subject, err);
......@@ -197,8 +197,8 @@ rewritef(VRT_CTX, vre2 * restrict vre2, const rewrite_e mode, VCL_STRING text,
char *ret;
const char *err;
ret = WS_Front(ctx->ws);
bytes = WS_ReserveAll(ctx->ws);
ret = WS_Reservation(ctx->ws);
if (bytes == 0) {
VERR(ctx, ERR_PREFIX "workspace overflow", rewrite_name[mode],
text, rewrite, fallback);
......@@ -755,8 +755,8 @@ vmod_quotemeta(VRT_CTX, VCL_STRING unquoted, VCL_STRING fallback)
const char *err;
ret = WS_Front(ctx->ws);
bytes = WS_ReserveAll(ctx->ws);
ret = WS_Reservation(ctx->ws);
if (bytes == 0) {
VERR(ctx, ERR_PREFIX "workspace overflow", unquoted, fallback);
WS_Release(ctx->ws, 0);
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