Commit b0cc2460 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Document the QP interface.

parent f40cc183
......@@ -44,6 +44,33 @@
#define ANIB(x) AZ((x) & ~0x0f)
* A trie is comprised by a tree of qp_y nodes and an array of strings,
* both of which are owned by a VMOD object. Both are passed into the QP_*
* functions.
* idx is an index to the strings array, and the region of the string
* represented at a node is strings[idx][off] to strings[idx}[off+len],
* inclusive.
* Terminating nulls form part of the target string. So "foo\0" and
* "foobar\0" differ at the high nibble of the fourth byte.
* term is true if this node is a terminating node. Note that terminating
* nodes may be non-leaves, if the set of strings contains common
* prefixes.
* hinib is true iff the most significant nibble at off+len+1 is the
* critical nibble.
* bitmap represents values of the critical nibble for which this node
* branches -- 0 at the LSB, 15 at the MSB.
* branches is a sparse array of length popcnt(bitmap) for the child
* nodes. The branch for the least significat set bit in bitmap is at
* branch[0], for the next most significant set bit at branch[1], and so
* on.
struct qp_y {
unsigned magic;
#define QP_Y_MAGIC 0x6dfde24a
......@@ -32,8 +32,22 @@
#include "vsb.h"
* A quadbit patricia trie comprises a struct qp_y, representing the root
* node of the true, and a table of strings, both of which are owned by a
* VMOD object. Lookups return the index of a string in the table, and
* prefix searches fill a struct match_data.
struct qp_y;
* struct match_data is initialized with an array at indices of length
* limit. After a call to QP_Prefixes(), the indices array is filled with
* n indices of elemnts of the strings table that are matching prefixes.
* Elements of indices are ordered from shortest to longest prefix. If
* there is an exact match, its index is in field exact, otherwise exact
* is 0. min is the lowest matching index, max is the highest.
struct match_data {
unsigned magic;
#define MATCH_DATA_MAGIC 0x0d9a845e
......@@ -60,18 +74,70 @@ struct qp_stats {
double favg;
* Insert the string at strings[idx] into the trie whose root is
* *root. All of root, strings, and strings[idx] MAY NOT be NULL.
* If *root is NULL, then the trie is empty, and *root is set to
* the new root. All new nodes are allocated by the function.
* QP_Insert() SHALL be invoked with successively longer strings at
* strings[idx}. It suffices to insert strings in the order that results
* from strcmp(3).
* Returns 0 on success. On error, errno is set. errno == EINVAL if the
* same string is inserted more than once. errno == EPERM if
* allow_overlaps is 0, but a string with the same prefix was already
* inserted. errno may be set to other values (most likely ENOMEM for
* malloc failures).
int QP_Insert(struct qp_y * * restrict root, unsigned idx,
char * const restrict * const restrict strings,
unsigned allow_overlaps);
* Return the index of subject in the table strings.
* root MUST be the root of the trie generated previously by use of
* QP_Insert(). strings and subject MAY NOT be NULL.
* Returns the index of subject in strings, or UINT_MAX if subject is not
* in strings or if root is NULL.
unsigned QP_Lookup(const struct qp_y * const restrict root,
char * const restrict * const restrict strings,
const char * const restrict subject);
* Fill *match with information about elements of strings that are
* prefixes of subject, as described above.
* All of strings, subject, match, and match->indices MAY NOT be NULL, and
* match->limit MAY NOT be 0. match MUST have the correct magic number.
* Returns 0 iff there is sufficient space at match->indices for the
* prefix indices. Note that match->n is 0 if no prefixes were found.
int QP_Prefixes(const struct qp_y * const restrict root,
char * const restrict * const restrict strings,
const char * const restrict subject,
struct match_data * const restrict match);
* Fill *stats with statistics for trie at root. stats MAY NOT be NULL,
* and MUST have a valid magic number. If root is non-NULL, then it MUST
* be the root of trie formed previously with QP_Insert() and strings.
void QP_Stats(const struct qp_y * const restrict root,
char * const restrict * const restrict strings,
struct qp_stats * const restrict stats);
/* Free y. Silently does nothing if y is NULL. */
void QP_Free(struct qp_y *y);
* Return a string dump of root as generated for strings.
* Returns an empty buffer if root is NULL. If root is non-NULL, strings
struct vsb * QP_Dump(struct qp_y *root, char **strings);
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