Commit 7b1be824 authored by Lasse Karstensen's avatar Lasse Karstensen Committed by Tollef Fog Heen

Basic package creation works

parent 21eae9f8
Source: libvmod-example
Source: varnish-vmod-example
Section: web
Priority: extra
Maintainer: Lasse Karstensen <>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7)
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7), build-essential, python-docutils
Standards-Version: 3.8.1
Vcs-Git: git://
Package: varnish-vmod-example
Architecture: all
Depends: varnish
#libproc-daemon-perl, libfile-pid-perl, liblog-dispatch-perl, libio-socket-ssl-perl, liblog-log4perl-perl, libdigest-sha-perl, libwww-perl, libconfig-simple-perl, ${perl:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Depends: varnish, ${misc:Depends}
Description: Example vmod for Varnish
#!/usr/bin/make -f
export DH_VERBOSE=1
aclocal -I m4
libtoolize --copy --force
automake --add-missing --copy --foreign
./configure VARNISHSRC=$(VARNISHSRC) --prefix=/usr
dh $@
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