Commit 82d25227 authored by Nils Goroll's avatar Nils Goroll

Avoid invoking vmodtool twice with parallel make

parent d0aa7f2d
......@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ libvmod_example_la_SOURCES = \
vcc_if.h \
vcc_if.c vcc_if.h: @VMODTOOL@ $(top_srcdir)/src/vmod_example.vcc
vcc_if.c: vcc_if.h
vcc_if.h: @VMODTOOL@ $(top_srcdir)/src/vmod_example.vcc
@VMODTOOL@ $(top_srcdir)/src/vmod_example.vcc
VMOD_TESTS = $(top_srcdir)/src/tests/*.vtc
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