Update CHANGES.rst

parent 958d16c1
......@@ -3,24 +3,29 @@
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See LICENSE file for full text of license
About this document
SLASH/ Changes
.. keep this section at the top!
This document contains a log of noteworthy changes to SLASH/ from new
to old.
SLASH/ Changes
.. https://gitlab.com/uplex/varnish/slash/-/commit/
* The ``objsize_hint`` tunable has been removed. The now internal
varable is now automatically adjusted within bounds configured by
the new tunables ``objsize_update_min_log2_ratio``,
``objsize_update_max_log2_ratio``, ``objsize_update_min_occupancy``
and ``objsize_update_max_occupancy``.
* fellow now imposes stricter tests on the amount of memory configured
for loading an existing cache.
* The ``ioerr_obj=purge`` and ``allocerr_obj=purge`` tunables are now
fully implemented. The statistics counter ``c_mem_obj_fail`` as been
added to track the number of times a failed object is hit.
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