fellow_cache: Add panic formatter

parent 6ac4b159
......@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ Version 1.0.0-rc3 (NEXT RELEASE)
* Fellow-specific panic output has been added, which is relatively
terse by default. The ``panic_flags`` tunable has been added to
increase verbosity where needed.
* The ``.happy`` VCL variable of a fellow storage now returns ``true``
only when it is open (has completed loading).
......@@ -6190,6 +6190,243 @@ fellow_cache_obj_delete(struct fellow_cache *fc,
#define FCPF_SEG 0x01
#define FCPF_SEGLIST 0x02
// uint16_t magic, otherwise copied from varnish-cache
static int
fc_dump_u16_struct(struct vsb *vsb, const void *ptr, uint16_t magic,
const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
const uint16_t *uptr;
va_start(ap, fmt);
VSB_vprintf(vsb, fmt, ap);
if (ptr == NULL) {
VSB_cat(vsb, " = NULL\n");
return (-1);
VSB_printf(vsb, " = %p {", ptr);
VSB_putc(vsb, '\n');
uptr = ptr;
if (*uptr != magic) {
VSB_printf(vsb, " .magic = 0x%04x", *uptr);
VSB_printf(vsb, " EXPECTED: 0x%04x", magic);
VSB_putc(vsb, '\n');
VSB_cat(vsb, "}\n");
return (-3);
VSB_indent(vsb, 2);
return (0);
static void
fellow_cache_res_panic(struct vsb *vsb, const struct fellow_cache_res *res)
if (res->status == fcr_ok) {
VSB_printf(vsb, "fcr = { %s { r.integer = %d, r.ptr = %p}},\n",
res->r.integer, res->r.ptr);
else {
VSB_printf(vsb, "fcr = { %s error: %s },\n",
fellow_cache_res_s[res->status], res->r.err);
static void
fellow_cache_buddy_ptr_extent_panic(struct vsb *vsb,
struct buddy_ptr_extent alloc, const char *name)
VSB_printf(vsb, "%s = {.ptr = %p, .size = %zu},\n",
name, alloc.ptr, alloc.size);
static void
fellow_cache_buddy_off_extent_panic(struct vsb *vsb,
struct buddy_off_extent fdr, const char *name)
VSB_printf(vsb, "%s = {.off = %jd, .size = %zu},\n",
name, fdr.off, fdr.size);
static void
fellow_hash_panic(struct vsb *vsb, const union fh *h)
VSB_printf(vsb, "fh[0..8] = %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x,\n",
static void
fellow_disk_seg_panic(struct vsb *vsb, const struct fellow_disk_seg *fds,
const char *name)
if (fc_dump_u16_struct(vsb, fds, FELLOW_DISK_SEG_MAGIC, "%s", name))
VSB_printf(vsb, "fht = %u, segnum = %u,\n", fds->fht, fds->segnum);
fellow_cache_buddy_off_extent_panic(vsb, fds->seg, "seg");
fellow_hash_panic(vsb, fds->fh);
VSB_indent(vsb, -2);
VSB_cat(vsb, "},\n");
static void
fellow_cache_seg_panic(struct vsb *vsb, const struct fellow_cache_seg *fcs,
const char *name)
if (fc_dump_u16_struct(vsb, fcs, FELLOW_CACHE_SEG_MAGIC, "%s", name))
VSB_printf(vsb, "state = %s, fcs_onlru = %d, fco_infdb = %d,\n",
fcos_state_s[fcs->state], fcs->fcs_onlru, fcs->fco_infdb);
VSB_printf(vsb, "lcb_add = %d, lcb_remove = %d, fco_lru_mutate = %d,\n",
fcs->lcb_add, fcs->lcb_remove, fcs->fco_lru_mutate);
VSB_printf(vsb, "refcnt = %u, fco = %p,\n", fcs->refcnt, fcs->fco);
fellow_disk_seg_panic(vsb, fcs->disk_seg, "disk_seg");
fellow_cache_buddy_ptr_extent_panic(vsb, fcs->alloc, "alloc");
VSB_printf(vsb, "union { .fcs_len = %zu, .fco_fdo = %p },\n",
fcs->u.fcs_len, fcs->u.fco_fdo);
VSB_indent(vsb, -2);
VSB_cat(vsb, "},\n");
static void
fellow_disk_seglist_panic(struct vsb *vsb,
const struct fellow_disk_seglist *fdsl, const char *name)
if (PAN_dump_struct(vsb, fdsl, FELLOW_DISK_SEGLIST_MAGIC, "%s", name))
VSB_printf(vsb, "version = %u, fht = %u, nsegs = %u, lsegs = %u,\n",
fdsl->version, fdsl->fht, fdsl->nsegs, fdsl->lsegs);
fellow_hash_panic(vsb, fdsl->fh);
fellow_cache_buddy_off_extent_panic(vsb, fdsl->next, "next");
VSB_indent(vsb, -2);
VSB_cat(vsb, "},\n");
static void
fellow_cache_seglist_panic_short(struct vsb *vsb,
const struct fellow_cache_seglist *fcsl, const char *name)
off_t off = -1;
//lint --e{438}
if (PAN_dump_oneline(vsb, fcsl, FELLOW_CACHE_SEGLIST_MAGIC, "%s", name))
if (fcsl->fdsl) {
"fdsl_off = %jd, fcsl_lsegs = %u, fdsl_lsegs = %u, nsegs = %u },\n",
off, fcsl->lsegs, fcsl->fdsl->lsegs, fcsl->fdsl->nsegs);
off = fcsl->fdsl->next.off;
VSB_printf(vsb, "lsegs = %u, fdsl = NULL,\n", fcsl->lsegs);
fcsl = fcsl->next;
goto next;
static void
fellow_cache_seglist_panic(struct vsb *vsb,
const struct fellow_cache_seglist *fcsl, const char *name, unsigned flags)
uint16_t u;
if (! (flags & FCPF_SEGLIST)) {
fellow_cache_seglist_panic_short(vsb, fcsl, name);
//lint --e{438}
if (PAN_dump_struct(vsb, fcsl, FELLOW_CACHE_SEGLIST_MAGIC, "%s", name))
VSB_printf(vsb, "lsegs = %u, fcsl_sz %zu, fdsl_sz = %zu, ",
fcsl->lsegs, fcsl->fcsl_sz, fcsl->fdsl_sz);
fellow_disk_seglist_panic(vsb, fcsl->fdsl, "fdsl");
if ((flags & FCPF_SEG) && fcsl->fdsl) {
VSB_cat(vsb, "segs = [\n");
VSB_indent(vsb, 2);
for (u = 0; u < fcsl->fdsl->nsegs; u++)
fellow_cache_seg_panic(vsb, &fcsl->segs[u], "seg[]");
VSB_indent(vsb, -2);
VSB_indent(vsb, -2);
VSB_cat(vsb, "},\n");
fcsl = fcsl->next;
goto next;
fellow_cache_panic(struct vsb *vsb, const struct fellow_cache_obj *fco)
(void) vsb;
(void) fco;
unsigned flags = 0;
if (PAN_dump_struct(vsb, fco, FELLOW_CACHE_OBJ_MAGIC, "fco"))
if (fco->lru && fco->lru->fc && fco->lru->fc->tune)
flags = fco->lru->fc->tune->panic_flags;
"logstate = %d, seglstate = %d, lru = %p, ntouched = %d,\n",
fco->logstate, fco->seglstate, fco->lru, fco->ntouched);
fellow_cache_res_panic(vsb, &fco->fcr);
if (flags & FCPF_SEG) {
fellow_cache_seg_panic(vsb, &fco->fdo_fcs, "fdo_fcs");
fellow_cache_seg_panic(vsb, &fco->aa_esidata_seg, "esidata");
fellow_cache_seglist_panic(vsb, fco->fcsl, "fcsl", flags);
VSB_indent(vsb, -2);
VSB_cat(vsb, "},\n");
fellow_busy_panic(struct vsb *vsb, const struct fellow_busy *fbo)
(void) vsb;
(void) fbo;
unsigned u;
if (PAN_dump_struct(vsb, fbo, FELLOW_BUSY_MAGIC, "fbo"))
"sz_estimate = %zu, sz_returned = %zu, sz_increment = %zu,\n",
fbo->sz_estimate, fbo->sz_returned, fbo->sz_increment);
VSB_printf(vsb, "sz_dskalloc = %zu, grown = %u, fbo_mem.size = %zu\n",
fbo->sz_dskalloc, fbo->grown, fbo->fbo_mem.size);
VSB_printf(vsb, "region[%u] = [\n", fbo->nregion);
VSB_indent(vsb, 2);
for (u = 0; u < fbo->nregion; u++)
fellow_cache_buddy_off_extent_panic(vsb, fbo->region[u], "fdr");
VSB_indent(vsb, -2);
VSB_cat(vsb, "],\n");
VSB_printf(vsb, "io_outstanding = %u,\n", fbo->io_outstanding);
VSB_indent(vsb, -2);
VSB_cat(vsb, "},\n");
struct fellow_cache_res
fellow_cache_obj_getattr(struct fellow_cache *fc,
struct fellow_cache_obj *fco,
......@@ -77,6 +77,10 @@ fellow_busy_obj_alloc(struct fellow_cache *fc,
struct fellow_cache_res
fellow_busy_obj_getspace(struct fellow_busy *fbo,
size_t *sz, uint8_t **ptr);
void fellow_cache_panic(struct vsb *vsb, const struct fellow_cache_obj *fco);
void fellow_busy_panic(struct vsb *vsb, const struct fellow_busy *fbo);
void fellow_busy_obj_extend(struct fellow_busy *fbo, size_t l);
void fellow_busy_obj_trimstore(struct fellow_busy *fbo);
......@@ -3023,48 +3023,15 @@ sfe_ban_imm(struct sfe_resurrect_priv *sfer, const struct fellow_dle *e)
return (t);
#ifdef TODO
sfe_panic_st(struct vsb *vsb, const char *hd, const struct sfe *sfe)
VSB_printf(vsb, "%s = %p {emb=%u, ptr=%p, len=%zu, space=%zu},\n",
hd, sfe, sfe->embedded, (void *)sfe->ptr, sfe->len, sfe->space);
static void
sfe_panic(struct vsb *vsb, const struct objcore *oc)
struct obu *o;
struct sfe *st;
VSB_printf(vsb, "Buddy = %p,\n", oc->stobj->priv);
if (oc->stobj->priv == NULL)
CAST_OBJ_NOTNULL(o, oc->stobj->priv, OBU_MAGIC);
sfe_panic_st(vsb, "Obj", o->objstore);
#define OBJ_FIXATTR(U, l, sz) \
VSB_printf(vsb, "%s = ", #U); \
VSB_quote(vsb, (const void*)o->fa_##l, sz, VSB_QUOTE_HEX); \
VSB_printf(vsb, ",\n");
#define OBJ_VARATTR(U, l) \
VSB_printf(vsb, "%s = {len=%u, ptr=%p},\n", \
#U, o->va_##l##_len, o->va_##l);
#define OBJ_AUXATTR(U, l) \
do { \
if (o->aa_##l != NULL) sfe_panic_st(vsb, #U, o->aa_##l);\
} while(0);
#include "tbl/obj_attr.h"
VTAILQ_FOREACH(st, &o->list, list) {
sfe_panic_st(vsb, "Body", st);
VSB_printf(vsb, "priv2 = %ju, ", (uintmax_t)oc->stobj->priv2);
fellow_cache_panic(vsb, oc->stobj->priv);
if (oc->boc)
fellow_busy_panic(vsb, oc->boc->stevedore_priv);
static VCL_BYTES v_matchproto_(stv_var_free_space)
sfe_free_space(const struct stevedore *stv)
......@@ -3143,7 +3110,7 @@ static const struct stevedore sfemem_stevedore = {
.baninfo = sfe_baninfo,
.banexport = sfe_banexport,
// .panic = sfe_panic,
.panic = sfe_panic,
.methods = &sfemem_methods,
.var_free_space = sfe_free_space,
.var_used_space = sfe_used_space,
......@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ TUNEFAIL(unsigned, ioerr_log, 0, 0, 1);
TUNEFAIL(unsigned, allocerr_obj, 0, 0, 1);
// mem error: 0=panic, 1=fail storage
TUNEFAIL(unsigned, allocerr_log, 0, 0, 1);
TUNE(unsigned, panic_flags, 0, 0, UINT_MAX);
#undef TUNE
#undef TUNEH
......@@ -634,7 +634,8 @@ $Method STRING .tune(
[ ENUM { panic, purge } ioerr_obj ],
[ ENUM { panic, fail } ioerr_log ],
[ ENUM { panic, purge } allocerr_obj ],
[ ENUM { panic, fail } allocerr_log ])
[ ENUM { panic, fail } allocerr_log ],
[ INT panic_flags ])
Using the `xfellow.tune()`_ method, the following parameters of the
fellow storage can be fine tuned:
......@@ -1024,6 +1025,13 @@ fellow storage can be fine tuned:
normal circumstances and instead wait for LRU to make room,
``panic`` is intended also for production use.
* *panic_flags*
Used to increase verbosity of panic messages, read as a bit field.
0x01 : dump full fellow_cache_seg
0x02 : dump full fellow_cache_seglist / fellow_disk_seglist
$Method STEVEDORE .storage()
Return the the buddy storage. Can be used to set it for storing a
......@@ -1069,7 +1077,8 @@ $Function STRING tune_fellow(
[ ENUM { panic, purge } ioerr_obj ],
[ ENUM { panic, fail } ioerr_log ],
[ ENUM { panic, purge } allocerr_obj ],
[ ENUM { panic, fail } allocerr_log ])
[ ENUM { panic, fail } allocerr_log ],
[ INT panic_flags ])
Tune the given globally defined fellow storage, for all other
parameters see `xfellow.tune()`_.
varnishtest "Test that we properly wait for certain 304 cases"
varnishtest "Test that we properly wait for certain 304 cases & Generate Panics"
server s1 {
......@@ -23,6 +23,16 @@ server s1 {
expect req.http.if-modified-since == "Wed, 11 Sep 2013 13:36:55 GMT"
txresp -status 304
# IMS after restart
expect req.http.if-modified-since == "Wed, 11 Sep 2013 13:36:55 GMT"
txresp -hdr "Last-Modified: Wed, 12 Sep 2013 13:36:55 GMT" \
-nolen -hdr "Content-Length: 1048576"
send_n 104857 "0123456789"
delay 10
} -start
varnish v1 \
......@@ -32,6 +42,7 @@ varnish v1 \
-arg "-sfellow=fellow,${tmpdir}/fellow_global.stv,100MB,1MB,64KB" \
-vcl+backend {
import slash;
import vtc;
sub vcl_init {
slash.tune_fellow(storage.fellow, chunk_exponent=12);
slash.tune_fellow(storage.fellow, readahead=31);
......@@ -42,6 +53,11 @@ varnish v1 \
set beresp.keep = 1d;
set beresp.http.was-304 = beresp.was_304;
sub vcl_deliver {
if (req.http.panic == "deliver") {
} -start
client c1 {
......@@ -97,3 +113,33 @@ client c1 {
expect resp.status == 200
expect resp.bodylen == 1048576
} -run
varnish v1 -cliok "param.set feature +no_coredump"
client c1 {
txreq -hdr "panic: deliver"
} -run
varnish v1 -wait-stopped
varnish v1 -cliok "panic.show"
varnish v1 -cliok "panic.clear"
varnish v1 -start
client c1 {
delay 2
} -start
client c2 {
txreq -hdr "panic: deliver"
} -start
varnish v1 -wait-stopped
varnish v1 -cliok "panic.show"
varnish v1 -cliok "panic.clear"
client c1 -wait
client c2 -wait
varnish v1 -expectexit 0x40
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