WIP #28 fellow_logs_autotune

This commit introduces auto-tuning of objsize_hint based on a rough
metric of the average object size when the storage is between 25% and
75% full. A change in objsize_hint triggers resizing of the
pre-allocated log-regions, which is no issue when they shrink (because
of increased objsize_hint).

But increasing the log-regions requires relevant contigious storage
regions, for which LRU might need to remove a lot of objects.

So I am not sure yet if this is a good idea. We could maybe merge the
feature, but leave it disabled for now...
parent e2a7469f
......@@ -5215,6 +5215,75 @@ fellow_logs_rewriting(const struct fellow_fd *ffd)
return (ffd->rewriting > 0);
static void
fellow_logs_autotune(struct fellow_fd *ffd)
const struct dle_stats *s;
struct stvfe_tune *tune;
size_t obj, del, spc, sz;
double f;
unsigned o, n;
spc = buddy_space(ffd->dskbuddy, 1);
sz = buddy_size(ffd->dskbuddy);
if (sz == 0)
* autotune only active between 25% and 75% full
* to get reasonable numbers and also avoid
* interfering too much with log region allocations
f = (sz - spc);
f /= sz;
ffd->diag("fellow: approx %.2f%% full", f * 100);
if (f < .25 || f > .75)
tune = ffd->tune;
if (tune->objsize_hint_auto == 0)
s = &ffd->logbuf->dle_stats;
obj = s->obj_add;
del = s->obj_del_free;
if (obj > del)
obj -= del;
if (obj == 0)
sz = sz / obj;
o = log2down(tune->objsize_hint);
n = log2down(sz);
if (n < o - 2) {
"fellow: AUTOTUNE: config objsize_hint %zu (2^%u) "
"way bigger than actual average %zu (2^%u) "
"-> lowering to %zu\n",
tune->objsize_hint, o, sz, n, (size_t)1 << n);
tune->objsize_hint = (size_t)1 << n;
tune->objsize_hint_max = (size_t)1 << (n + 1);
} else
if (n > o + 3) {
"fellow: tuning advice: objsize hint %zu (2^%u) much "
"smaller than actual average %zu (2^%u)\n"
"fellow: consider increasing it carefully.\n",
tune->objsize_hint, o, sz, n);
static void
fellow_logs_rewrite(struct fellow_fd *ffd,
struct buddy_off_extent *new_log_fdr,
......@@ -5484,6 +5553,7 @@ fellow_logs_rewrite(struct fellow_fd *ffd,
case FP_INIT:
assert(lbuf->state == LBUF_LOGREG || lbuf->state == LBUF_MEM);
lbuf->state = LBUF_OPEN;
......@@ -5550,6 +5620,8 @@ fellow_logs_rewrite(struct fellow_fd *ffd,
case FP_FINI:
regionlist_free(&tofree, ffd->dskbuddy);
......@@ -127,6 +127,12 @@ stvfe_tune_check(struct stvfe_tune *tune)
if (tune->objsize_max == 0)
tune->objsize_max = (tune->dsksz >> 2);
if (tune->objsize_hint_max > 0 &&
tune->objsize_hint > tune->objsize_hint_max) {
fprintf(stderr,"fellow: objsize_hint limited to %zu\n",
tune->objsize_hint = tune->objsize_hint_max;
//lint --e{685,568} misc const comparisons
#define TUNE(t, n, d, min, max) \
if (tune->n < (min)) \
......@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ struct stvfe_tune {
size_t memsz;
size_t dsksz;
// dynamic limit set by fellow_logs_autotune()
size_t objsize_hint_max;
const char * stvfe_tune_init(struct stvfe_tune *tune,
......@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ TUNE(uint8_t, lru_exponent, 0, 0, 6);
TUNE(unsigned, dsk_reserve_chunks, 4, 2, UINT_MAX);
TUNE(unsigned, mem_reserve_chunks, 1, 0, UINT_MAX);
TUNE(size_t, objsize_hint, 256 * 1024, 4096, SIZE_MAX);
TUNE(unsigned, objsize_hint_auto, 1, 0, 1);
TUNE(size_t, objsize_max, 0, 0, SIZE_MAX);
TUNE(size_t, discard_immediate, 256 * 1024, 4096, SIZE_MAX);
// 31 is safe max for stack usage, further limited by memsz
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ vcl storage objects and methods
new xfellow = slash.fellow(STRING filename, BYTES dsksize, BYTES memsize, BYTES objsize_hint, BOOL delete)
STRING xfellow.tune([INT logbuffer_size], [DURATION logbuffer_flush_interval], [REAL log_rewrite_ratio], [INT chunk_exponent], [BYTES chunk_bytes], [INT dsk_reserve_chunks], [INT mem_reserve_chunks], [BYTES objsize_hint], [BYTES objsize_max], [INT cram], [INT readahead], [BYTES discard_immediate], [INT io_batch_min], [INT io_batch_max], [ENUM hash_obj], [ENUM hash_log], [ENUM ioerr_obj], [ENUM ioerr_log], [ENUM allocerr_obj], [ENUM allocerr_log])
STRING xfellow.tune([INT logbuffer_size], [DURATION logbuffer_flush_interval], [REAL log_rewrite_ratio], [INT chunk_exponent], [BYTES chunk_bytes], [INT dsk_reserve_chunks], [INT mem_reserve_chunks], [BYTES objsize_hint], [BOOL objsize_hint_auto], [BYTES objsize_max], [INT cram], [INT readahead], [BYTES discard_immediate], [INT io_batch_min], [INT io_batch_max], [ENUM hash_obj], [ENUM hash_log], [ENUM ioerr_obj], [ENUM ioerr_log], [ENUM allocerr_obj], [ENUM allocerr_log])
STEVEDORE xfellow.storage()
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ vcl functions
STRING tune_buddy(STEVEDORE storage, [INT chunk_exponent], [BYTES chunk_bytes], [INT reserve_chunks], [INT cram])
STRING tune_fellow(STEVEDORE storage, [INT logbuffer_size], [DURATION logbuffer_flush_interval], [REAL log_rewrite_ratio], [INT chunk_exponent], [BYTES chunk_bytes], [INT dsk_reserve_chunks], [INT mem_reserve_chunks], [BYTES objsize_hint], [BYTES objsize_max], [INT cram], [INT readahead], [BYTES discard_immediate], [INT io_batch_min], [INT io_batch_max], [ENUM hash_obj], [ENUM hash_log], [ENUM ioerr_obj], [ENUM ioerr_log], [ENUM allocerr_obj], [ENUM allocerr_log])
STRING tune_fellow(STEVEDORE storage, [INT logbuffer_size], [DURATION logbuffer_flush_interval], [REAL log_rewrite_ratio], [INT chunk_exponent], [BYTES chunk_bytes], [INT dsk_reserve_chunks], [INT mem_reserve_chunks], [BYTES objsize_hint], [BOOL objsize_hint_auto], [BYTES objsize_max], [INT cram], [INT readahead], [BYTES discard_immediate], [INT io_batch_min], [INT io_batch_max], [ENUM hash_obj], [ENUM hash_log], [ENUM ioerr_obj], [ENUM ioerr_log], [ENUM allocerr_obj], [ENUM allocerr_log])
vcl loadmasters (storage routers)
......@@ -472,17 +472,18 @@ actual figures are output at startup as ``fellow: metadata (bitmap)
*objsize_hint* (default 256KB) is used to sanity check *memsize* in
relation to *dsksize*. It should be set to a value lower than the
average object size (actual or expected). If *memsize* is configured
too low with respect to *dsksize* and *objsize_hint*, a higher value
will be used (which might fail of insufficient memory is available).
relation to *dsksize* and to size the transaction logs. It should be
set to a value lower than the average object size (actual or
expected). If *memsize* is configured too low with respect to
*dsksize* and *objsize_hint*, a higher value will be used (which might
fail of insufficient memory is available).
*delete* specifies if the storage is to be emptied.
.. _xfellow.tune():
STRING xfellow.tune([INT logbuffer_size], [DURATION logbuffer_flush_interval], [REAL log_rewrite_ratio], [INT chunk_exponent], [BYTES chunk_bytes], [INT wait_table_exponent], [INT lru_exponent], [INT dsk_reserve_chunks], [INT mem_reserve_chunks], [BYTES objsize_hint], [BYTES objsize_max], [INT cram], [INT readahead], [BYTES discard_immediate], [INT io_batch_min], [INT io_batch_max], [ENUM hash_obj], [ENUM hash_log], [ENUM ioerr_obj], [ENUM ioerr_log], [ENUM allocerr_obj], [ENUM allocerr_log])
STRING xfellow.tune([INT logbuffer_size], [DURATION logbuffer_flush_interval], [REAL log_rewrite_ratio], [INT chunk_exponent], [BYTES chunk_bytes], [INT wait_table_exponent], [INT lru_exponent], [INT dsk_reserve_chunks], [INT mem_reserve_chunks], [BYTES objsize_hint], [BOOL objsize_hint_auto], [BYTES objsize_max], [INT cram], [INT readahead], [BYTES discard_immediate], [INT io_batch_min], [INT io_batch_max], [ENUM hash_obj], [ENUM hash_log], [ENUM ioerr_obj], [ENUM ioerr_log], [ENUM allocerr_obj], [ENUM allocerr_log])
......@@ -497,6 +498,7 @@ STRING xfellow.tune([INT logbuffer_size], [DURATION logbuffer_flush_interval], [
[INT dsk_reserve_chunks],
[INT mem_reserve_chunks],
[BYTES objsize_hint],
[BOOL objsize_hint_auto],
[BYTES objsize_max],
[INT cram],
[INT readahead],
......@@ -655,6 +657,22 @@ fellow storage can be fine tuned:
used to (re)size the fixed log space. The value should be chosen as
a safe *lower* bound of average object size.
Because setting this value too high can cause performance issues, it
is automatically lowered and limited based on the actual object
sizes used. See next parameter.
* *objsize_hint_auto*
- unit: boolean
- default: true
- minimum: false
Can be used to turn off automatic adjustments of objsize_hint as
described above.
It is strongly recommended to leave this switch ``true``, unless
recommended by a developer or based on a very good reason.
* *objsize_max*
- unit: bytes
......@@ -871,8 +889,8 @@ Restricted to: ``vcl_init``.
.. _slash.tune_fellow():
STRING tune_fellow(STEVEDORE storage, [INT logbuffer_size], [DURATION logbuffer_flush_interval], [REAL log_rewrite_ratio], [INT chunk_exponent], [BYTES chunk_bytes], [INT wait_table_exponent], [INT lru_exponent], [INT dsk_reserve_chunks], [INT mem_reserve_chunks], [BYTES objsize_hint], [BYTES objsize_max], [INT cram], [INT readahead], [BYTES discard_immediate], [INT io_batch_min], [INT io_batch_max], [ENUM hash_obj], [ENUM hash_log], [ENUM ioerr_obj], [ENUM ioerr_log], [ENUM allocerr_obj], [ENUM allocerr_log])
STRING tune_fellow(STEVEDORE storage, [INT logbuffer_size], [DURATION logbuffer_flush_interval], [REAL log_rewrite_ratio], [INT chunk_exponent], [BYTES chunk_bytes], [INT wait_table_exponent], [INT lru_exponent], [INT dsk_reserve_chunks], [INT mem_reserve_chunks], [BYTES objsize_hint], [BOOL objsize_hint_auto], [BYTES objsize_max], [INT cram], [INT readahead], [BYTES discard_immediate], [INT io_batch_min], [INT io_batch_max], [ENUM hash_obj], [ENUM hash_log], [ENUM ioerr_obj], [ENUM ioerr_log], [ENUM allocerr_obj], [ENUM allocerr_log])
......@@ -888,6 +906,7 @@ STRING tune_fellow(STEVEDORE storage, [INT logbuffer_size], [DURATION logbuffer_
[INT dsk_reserve_chunks],
[INT mem_reserve_chunks],
[BYTES objsize_hint],
[BOOL objsize_hint_auto],
[BYTES objsize_max],
[INT cram],
[INT readahead],
......@@ -974,6 +993,8 @@ overhead and fragmentation.
The higher ``reserve_chunks`` is set, the more agressively LRU will
pre-evict objects in order to have space available for new requests.
.. _diag:
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ vcl storage objects and methods
new xfellow = slash.fellow(STRING filename, BYTES dsksize, BYTES memsize, BYTES objsize_hint, BOOL delete)
STRING xfellow.tune([INT logbuffer_size], [DURATION logbuffer_flush_interval], [REAL log_rewrite_ratio], [INT chunk_exponent], [BYTES chunk_bytes], [INT dsk_reserve_chunks], [INT mem_reserve_chunks], [BYTES objsize_hint], [BYTES objsize_max], [INT cram], [INT readahead], [BYTES discard_immediate], [INT io_batch_min], [INT io_batch_max], [ENUM hash_obj], [ENUM hash_log], [ENUM ioerr_obj], [ENUM ioerr_log], [ENUM allocerr_obj], [ENUM allocerr_log])
STRING xfellow.tune([INT logbuffer_size], [DURATION logbuffer_flush_interval], [REAL log_rewrite_ratio], [INT chunk_exponent], [BYTES chunk_bytes], [INT dsk_reserve_chunks], [INT mem_reserve_chunks], [BYTES objsize_hint], [BOOL objsize_hint_auto], [BYTES objsize_max], [INT cram], [INT readahead], [BYTES discard_immediate], [INT io_batch_min], [INT io_batch_max], [ENUM hash_obj], [ENUM hash_log], [ENUM ioerr_obj], [ENUM ioerr_log], [ENUM allocerr_obj], [ENUM allocerr_log])
STEVEDORE xfellow.storage()
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ vcl functions
STRING tune_buddy(STEVEDORE storage, [INT chunk_exponent], [BYTES chunk_bytes], [INT reserve_chunks], [INT cram])
STRING tune_fellow(STEVEDORE storage, [INT logbuffer_size], [DURATION logbuffer_flush_interval], [REAL log_rewrite_ratio], [INT chunk_exponent], [BYTES chunk_bytes], [INT dsk_reserve_chunks], [INT mem_reserve_chunks], [BYTES objsize_hint], [BYTES objsize_max], [INT cram], [INT readahead], [BYTES discard_immediate], [INT io_batch_min], [INT io_batch_max], [ENUM hash_obj], [ENUM hash_log], [ENUM ioerr_obj], [ENUM ioerr_log], [ENUM allocerr_obj], [ENUM allocerr_log])
STRING tune_fellow(STEVEDORE storage, [INT logbuffer_size], [DURATION logbuffer_flush_interval], [REAL log_rewrite_ratio], [INT chunk_exponent], [BYTES chunk_bytes], [INT dsk_reserve_chunks], [INT mem_reserve_chunks], [BYTES objsize_hint], [BOOL objsize_hint_auto], [BYTES objsize_max], [INT cram], [INT readahead], [BYTES discard_immediate], [INT io_batch_min], [INT io_batch_max], [ENUM hash_obj], [ENUM hash_log], [ENUM ioerr_obj], [ENUM ioerr_log], [ENUM allocerr_obj], [ENUM allocerr_log])
vcl loadmasters (storage routers)
......@@ -416,10 +416,11 @@ actual figures are output at startup as ``fellow: metadata (bitmap)
*objsize_hint* (default 256KB) is used to sanity check *memsize* in
relation to *dsksize*. It should be set to a value lower than the
average object size (actual or expected). If *memsize* is configured
too low with respect to *dsksize* and *objsize_hint*, a higher value
will be used (which might fail of insufficient memory is available).
relation to *dsksize* and to size the transaction logs. It should be
set to a value lower than the average object size (actual or
expected). If *memsize* is configured too low with respect to
*dsksize* and *objsize_hint*, a higher value will be used (which might
fail of insufficient memory is available).
*delete* specifies if the storage is to be emptied.
......@@ -434,6 +435,7 @@ $Method STRING .tune(
[ INT dsk_reserve_chunks ],
[ INT mem_reserve_chunks ],
[ BYTES objsize_hint ],
[ BOOL objsize_hint_auto ],
[ BYTES objsize_max ],
[ INT cram ],
[ INT readahead ],
......@@ -591,6 +593,22 @@ fellow storage can be fine tuned:
used to (re)size the fixed log space. The value should be chosen as
a safe *lower* bound of average object size.
Because setting this value too high can cause performance issues, it
is automatically lowered and limited based on the actual object
sizes used. See next parameter.
* *objsize_hint_auto*
- unit: boolean
- default: true
- minimum: false
Can be used to turn off automatic adjustments of objsize_hint as
described above.
It is strongly recommended to leave this switch ``true``, unless
recommended by a developer or based on a very good reason.
* *objsize_max*
- unit: bytes
......@@ -804,6 +822,7 @@ $Function STRING tune_fellow(
[ INT dsk_reserve_chunks ],
[ INT mem_reserve_chunks ],
[ BYTES objsize_hint ],
[ BOOL objsize_hint_auto ],
[ BYTES objsize_max ],
[ INT cram ],
[ INT readahead ],
......@@ -889,6 +908,8 @@ overhead and fragmentation.
The higher ``reserve_chunks`` is set, the more agressively LRU will
pre-evict objects in order to have space available for new requests.
.. _diag:
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