fellow_busy: Introduce dsk dowry

parent 81db7b41
......@@ -736,6 +736,7 @@ struct fellow_busy {
struct fellow_cache_seg *body_seg;
struct fellow_body_region body_region;
struct fellow_bbrr bbrr;
struct buddy_off_extent segdskdowry;
struct buddy_ptr_page segdowry;
struct fbo_segmem segmem[1];
......@@ -746,7 +747,7 @@ struct fellow_busy {
struct buddy_off_extent region[FCO_MAX_REGIONS];
unsigned nregion;
uint8_t grown;
#define FBO_NIO 94
#define FBO_NIO 91
/* protected by fco mtx */
uint8_t io_idx;
uint8_t io_outstanding;
......@@ -1977,7 +1978,7 @@ fellow_cache_obj_new(
reqs = BUDDY_REQS_STK(fc->membuddy, 4);
BUDDY_REQS_PRI(reqs, pri);
if (dowry != NULL)
AN(buddy_req_page(reqs, fc->tune->chunk_exponent + 1, 0));
AN(buddy_req_page(reqs, fc->tune->chunk_exponent, 0));
if (fbo_mem != NULL)
AN(buddy_req_extent(reqs, sizeof(struct fellow_busy), 0));
AN(buddy_req_page(reqs, log2up(mem_sz), 0));
......@@ -2066,11 +2067,13 @@ fellow_busy_obj_alloc(struct fellow_cache *fc,
struct fellow_cache_res fcr;
struct fellow_busy *fbo;
struct buddy *dskbuddy;
struct buddy_reqs *reqs;
struct buddy_ptr_extent fbo_mem;
struct buddy_ptr_page fbo_dowry;
struct buddy_off_extent fds_seg;
struct buddy_off_extent fds_seg, dskdowry;
size_t sz, asz, dsk_sz;
uint16_t ldsegs;
unsigned u;
// XXX peek for known content-length=
......@@ -2099,13 +2102,42 @@ fellow_busy_obj_alloc(struct fellow_cache *fc,
// uring has signed 32bit length
assert(dsk_sz <= FIO_MAX);
// XXX delay to allow new objects during FP_INIT ?
dskbuddy = fellow_dskbuddy(fc->ffd);
// XXX delay to allow new objects during FP_INIT ?
* cram == 0:
* the dskdowry acts as an admission ticket to creating an
* expensive busy object: We need to motivate dsk LRU to
* start makeing room if it needs to before we allocate
* memory which LRU would need
reqs = BUDDY_REQS_STK(dskbuddy, 2);
sz = (size_t)1 << (fc->tune->chunk_exponent);
AN(buddy_req_extent(reqs, sz, 0));
AN(buddy_req_extent(reqs, dsk_sz, 0));
u = buddy_alloc_wait(reqs);
if (u == 0) {
fcr = FCR_ALLOCFAIL("dsk dowry and fds");
fellow_cache_res_check(fc, fcr);
return (fcr);
assert(u == 2);
fds_seg = FC_INJ ? buddy_off_extent_nil :
FEP_NEW, dsk_sz, 0);
buddy_get_off_extent(reqs, 1);
dskdowry = FC_INJ ? buddy_off_extent_nil :
buddy_get_off_extent(reqs, 0);
if (fds_seg.off < 0) {
if (dskdowry.off >= 0)
buddy_return1_off_extent(dskbuddy, &dskdowry);
fcr = FCR_ALLOCFAIL("fds region");
fellow_cache_res_check(fc, fcr);
return (fcr);
......@@ -2116,6 +2148,8 @@ fellow_busy_obj_alloc(struct fellow_cache *fc,
if (fcr.status != fcr_ok) {
fellow_cache_res_check(fc, fcr);
buddy_return1_off_extent(dskbuddy, &fds_seg);
if (dskdowry.off >= 0)
buddy_return1_off_extent(dskbuddy, &dskdowry);
return (fcr);
fco = fcr.r.ptr;
......@@ -2130,6 +2164,7 @@ fellow_busy_obj_alloc(struct fellow_cache *fc,
fbo->fbo_mem = fbo_mem;
fbo->segdowry = fbo_dowry;
BUDDY_REQS_INIT(&fbo->bbrr, dskbuddy);
fbo->segdskdowry = dskdowry;
// disk object in memory
fdo = fcs->alloc.ptr;
......@@ -4833,6 +4868,10 @@ fellow_busy_done(struct fellow_busy *fbo, struct objcore *oc, unsigned inlog)
if (fbo->segdowry.ptr)
buddy_return1_ptr_page(fc->membuddy, &fbo->segdowry);
if (fbo->segdskdowry.off >= 0) {
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