Commit 3d8396a6 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

trackrdrd: doxygen docs for the MQ interface in mq.h

parent 26b6e52c
......@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ WARN_LOGFILE =
# directories like "/usr/src/myproject". Separate the files or directories
# with spaces.
INPUT = $(SRCDIR)/src $(SRCDIR)/include
# This tag can be used to specify the character encoding of the source files
# that doxygen parses. Internally doxygen uses the UTF-8 encoding, which is
......@@ -29,12 +29,191 @@
* \file mq.h
* \brief MQ -- the messaging interface for the Varnish log tracking
* reader.
* This header defines the interface to a messaging system, such as
* ActiveMQ or Kafka, used by the tracking reader. It is responsible for
* implementing connections to the messaging system, sending data,
* detecting errors and managing resources.
* An implementation of this interface is a dynamic library (shared
* object) that must provide definitions for each of the functions
* declared here (read by the tracking reader via dlsym(3)).
* The tracking reader starts a configurable number of worker threads that
* are responsible for sending data to a messaging system, by calling the
* MQ_Send() method. The messaging implementation is given the opportunity
* to create and use a per-thread private object for each worker thread,
* declared in the following as `void *priv` and initialized by
* MQ_WorkerInit(). A thread-safe implementation must be provided for
* each operation defined with such an object as an argument.
* Each operation in this interface is expected to return `NULL` on
* success, or an error string on failure, to be used by the tracking
* reader to log error messages. The tracking reader does not attempt to
* free non-`NULL` pointers returned from the messaging interface.
* The methods in this interface are called in the following order:
* - MQ_GlobalInit() is called when the tracking reader initializes,
* before any other methods. If it fails, then the tracking reader
* fails.
* - MQ_InitConnections() is called after successful return of
* MQ_GlobalInit(), before any worker threads are created. It is
* intended for the initialization of network connections; the tracking
* reader fails (and does not bother to start any threads) if this
* method fails.
* In each worker thread:
* - MQ_WorkerInit() is called when the thread initializes; the thread
* fails if this method fails.
* - If MQ_WorkerInit() succeeds, then MQ_Version() and MQ_ClientID()
* are called at initialization (so that the version and client ID
* can be written to the log). If either of them fail, an error is
* logged, but the thread continues.
* - The main loop of the worker thread calls MQ_Send() for every data
* record that it processes. See below for a description of how the
* tracking reader handles message send failures.
* - MQ_WorkerShutdown() is called when the worker thread is shutting
* down.
* MQ_GlobalShutdown() is called when the tracking reader worker process
* (child process) is shutting down. If the call fails, the error
* message is logged and the process shutdown continues.
* Once a worker thread has entered its main loop (and hence global
* initialization, initialization of network connections and of a private
* worker object have succeeded), the tracking reader handles failures of
* message sends as follows:
* - If MQ_Send() fails, the thread calls MQ_Reconnect(); the messaging
* implementation is expected to attempt a new connection, and may
* create a new private worker object. If MQ_Reconnect() succeeds,
* then MQ_Send() is attempted again with the same data.
* - If either MQ_Reconnect() fails, or the resend after a successful call
* to MQ_Reconnect() fails, then the private worker object is discarded
* (set to `NULL`), and the worker thread stops (without calling
* MQ_WorkerShutdown()). The tracking reader may attempt to start a new
* thread in its place, in which case a new private worker object for
* the messaging implementation is initialized.
* Global initialization of the messaging implementation
* @param nworkers the number of worker threads
* @param config_fname path of a configuration file specific to the
* messaging implementation
* @return `NULL` on success, an error message on failure
const char *MQ_GlobalInit(unsigned nworkers, const char *config_fname);
* Initialize network connections to the messaging system
* @return `NULL` on success, an error message on failure
const char *MQ_InitConnections(void);
* Initialize a private object used by one of the tracking reader's worker
* threads.
* The implementation of this method must be thread-safe.
* @param priv pointer to a private object handle. The implementation is
* expected to place a pointer to its private data structure in this
* location.
* @return `NULL` on success, an error message on failure
const char *MQ_WorkerInit(void **priv);
* Send data to the messaging system.
* The implementation of this method must be thread-safe.
* @param priv private object handle
* @param data pointer to the data to be sent
* @param len length of the data in bytes
* @return `NULL` on success, an error message on failure
const char *MQ_Send(void *priv, const char *data, unsigned len);
* Return the version string of the messaging system.
* The implementation of this method must be thread-safe.
* The tracking reader does not attempt to free the address returned in
* `version`.
* @param priv private object handle
* @param version pointer to the version string. The implementation is
* expected to place the starting address of a null-terminated string in
* this location.
* @return `NULL` on success, an error message on failure
const char *MQ_Version(void *priv, char *version);
* Return an ID string for the client connection.
* The implementation of this method must be thread-safe.
* The tracking reader does not attempt to free the address returned in
* `clientID`.
* @param priv private object handle
* @param clientID pointer to the client ID string. The implementation is
* expected to place the starting address of a null-terminated string in
* this location.
* @return `NULL` on success, an error message on failure
const char *MQ_ClientID(void *priv, char *clientID);
* Re-initialize a connection to the messaging system after a send
* failure.
* The implementation of this method must be thread-safe.
* The implementation is responsible for disconnecting the existing
* connection, if it so chooses, and may initialize a new private object;
* the implementation is responsible for cleaning up resources as
* necessary.
* @param priv pointer to the private object handle. If a new object is
* created, the implementation is expected to place its address in this
* location.
* @return `NULL` on success, an error message on failure
const char *MQ_Reconnect(void **priv);
* Shut down message processing for a worker thread.
* The implementation of this method must be thread-safe.
* The implementation is responsible for cleaning up resources as
* necessary. The tracking reader does not access `priv` after calling
* this method (so it may, for example, be set to `NULL`).
* @param priv pointer to the private object handle
* @return `NULL` on success, an error message on failure
const char *MQ_WorkerShutdown(void **priv);
* Globally shut down the messaging implementation
* The implementation is responsible for final cleanup of resources as
* necessary.
* @return `NULL` on success, an error message on failure
const char *MQ_GlobalShutdown(void);
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