Commit 49a546c0 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

MQ plugin for Kafka: change the config param name for zookeeper connection

timeouts to the name used by Apache Kafka
parent 434fd065
......@@ -154,10 +154,10 @@ Parameter Description
```` MUST be set, as
described above.
----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
``zookeeper.timeout`` Timeout in milliseconds for connections to
ZooKeeper servers. If 0, then a connection
attempt fails immediately if the servers
cannot be reached. (optional, default 0)
```` Timeout for connections to ZooKeeper
servers. If 0, then a connection attempt
fails immediately if the servers cannot be
reached. (optional, default 0)
----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
``zookeeper.log`` Path of a log file for the ZooKeeper client
......@@ -89,8 +89,7 @@ CONF_Add(const char *lval, const char *rval)
strncpy(zookeeper, rval, LINE_MAX);
/* XXX: "", to match Kafka config */
if (strcmp(lval, "zookeeper.timeout") == 0) {
if (strcmp(lval, "") == 0) {
if ((err = conf_getUnsignedInt(rval, &zoo_timeout)) != 0)
# test config for Kafka MQ plugin
mq.log = kafka.log
zookeeper.connect = localhost:2181
zookeeper.timeout = 10000 = 10000
zookeeper.log = zoo.log
topic = libtrackrdr_kafka_test
mq.debug = true
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