Commit 8594b8aa authored by Nils Goroll's avatar Nils Goroll

add comments from vsl.h to explain the DISPATCH_* defines

parent 4286e091
......@@ -75,6 +75,25 @@
#define REQEND_T_VAR "req_endt"
#define REQEND_T_LEN (sizeof(REQEND_T_VAR "=1430176881.682097"))
* from vsl.h
* VSLQ_Dispatch
* Return values:
* 1: Call again
* 0: No more log records available
* !=0: The error code from VSL_Next() or func returned non-zero
* VSL_Next()
* Return values:
* 1: Cursor points to next log record
* 0: End of log
* -1: End of file
* -2: Remote abandoned or closed
* -3: Overrun
* -4: I/O read error - see errno
#define DISPATCH_EOL 0
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