Commit c6bb8049 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Set version 4.1, and require Varnish versions 4.1.x or 5.0.0.

parent bdada624
Pipeline #140 skipped
......@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ Tracking Log Reader demon
:Author: Geoffrey Simmons
:Date: 2015-05-08
:Version: 4.0
:Date: 2017-03-16
:Version: 4.1
:Manual section: 3
......@@ -219,11 +219,11 @@ BUILD/INSTALL
Since version 4.0, the tracking reader is compatible with Varnish
4.0.x (and has been tested with Varnish 4.0.3). ``trackrdrd`` is built
against an existing Varnish installation on the same host, which in
the standard case can be found with usual settings for the ``PATH``
environment variable in the ``configure`` step described below.
This version of the tracking reader is compatible with Varnish
versions 4.1.x and 5.0.0. ``trackrdrd`` is built against an existing
Varnish installation on the same host, which in the standard case can
be found with usual settings for the ``PATH`` environment variable in
the ``configure`` step described below.
The build requires the following tools/packages:
AC_COPYRIGHT([Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Otto Gmbh & Co KG])
AC_INIT([trackrdrd], [4.0])
AC_INIT([trackrdrd], [4.1])
......@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_RST2MAN, [test "x$RST2MAN" != "xno"])
# Check for pkg-config
PKG_CHECK_MODULES([VARNISH], [varnishapi >= 4.0.0],
PKG_CHECK_MODULES([VARNISH], [varnishapi >= 4.1.0 varnishapi <= 5.0.0],
[ac_varnish_pkgdatadir=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=pkgdatadir varnishapi`],
[AC_MSG_ERROR([Varnish >= 4.0.0 installation is required])])
[AC_MSG_ERROR([Varnish 4.1.x or 5.0.0 installation is required])])
if test "x$ac_varnish_pkgdatadir" = x; then
AC_MSG_ERROR([couldn't get Varnish data dir from pkg-config])
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