• Poul-Henning Kamp's avatar
    Remove the CLI::stats command. · 24d90483
    Poul-Henning Kamp authored
    This was added as a quick-ish hack back in 1.0 days, but it was never
    meant to be a primary interface for getting stats information, and
    using it as such leads to problems.
    The CLI is single-threaded and any kind of TCP trouble from a client
    polling stats information would cause the CLI to get stuck, preventing
    any other kind of management from happening.
    The trigger for this removal is that the stats implementation has
    never learned to handle dynamic stats counters, and since this
    as added a lot of new stats, the next thing you need filtering
    facilites, paging etc.
    All of that belongs in varnishstat, where it is already implemented,
    and were its operation does not negatively impact the primary task
    of varnish: service HTTP clients.
    For reference we never made the mistake of showing the varnish-log
    from the CLI.
    See also ticket #925.
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