• Poul-Henning Kamp's avatar
    Add a "banner" command to the CLI interface. · ec62e71f
    Poul-Henning Kamp authored
    Add a parameter "cli_banner" (default on) which injects an implicit
    "banner" CLI command on all cli connections when opened.
    The net result is that you get a CLI response when you connect to
    the CLI ports:
    	200 193     
    	Varnish HTTP accelerator CLI.
    	Type 'help' for command list.
    	Type 'quit' to close CLI session.
    	Type 'start' to launch worker process.
    Presently the contents of the CLI response is "undefined", in the
    sense that you should not programatically depend on anything besides
    the "200" reply code.
    git-svn-id: http://www.varnish-cache.org/svn/trunk/varnish-cache@3762 d4fa192b-c00b-0410-8231-f00ffab90ce4
cli.h 6.45 KB