Commit 6c4f5f87 authored by Poul-Henning Kamp's avatar Poul-Henning Kamp

Don't use error in vcl_backend_response{}

parent 0e967d6a
varnishtest "Check that error in vcl_backend_response works"
varnishtest "Check that synth response in vcl_backend_response works"
server s1 {
......@@ -8,7 +8,11 @@ server s1 {
varnish v1 -vcl+backend {
sub vcl_backend_response {
set beresp.http.Foo = "bar";
error 523 "not ok";
set beresp.status = 523;
set beresp.response = "not ok";
set beresp.uncacheable = true;
set beresp.ttl = 0s;
return (deliver);
} -start
......@@ -18,4 +22,6 @@ client c1 {
expect resp.status == 523
} -run
delay 10
varnish v1 -expect n_object == 0
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