Commit 93c5e395 authored by Per Buer's avatar Per Buer

header style consistency

parent 7be8dd9f
The VCL syntax is very simple, and deliberately similar to C and Perl.
Blocks are delimited by curly braces, statements end with semicolons,
and comments may be written as in C, C++ or Perl according to your own
In addition to the C-like assignment (=), comparison (==, !=) and
boolean (!, && and \|\|) operators, VCL supports both regular
expression and ACL matching using the ~ and the !~ operators.
Basic strings are enclosed in " ... ", and may not contain newlines.
Long strings are enclosed in {" ... "}. They may contain any
character including ", newline and other control characters except
for the NUL (0x00) character.
Unlike C and Perl, the backslash (\) character has no special meaning
in strings in VCL, so it can be freely used in regular expressions
without doubling.
Strings are concatenated using the '+' operator.
Assignments are introduced with the *set* keyword. There are no
user-defined variables; values can only be assigned to variables
attached to backend, request or document objects. Most of these are
typed, and the values assigned to them must have a compatible unit
You can use the *set* keyword to arbitrary HTTP headers. You can
remove headers with the *remove* or *unset* keywords, which are
You can use the *rollback* keyword to revert any changes to req at
any time.
The *synthetic* keyword is used to produce a synthetic response
body in vcl_error. It takes a single string as argument.
You can force a crash of the client process with the *panic* keyword.
*panic* takes a string as argument.
The ``return(action)`` keyword terminates the subroutine. *action* can be,
depending on context one of
* deliver
* error
* fetch
* hash
* hit_for_pass
* lookup
* ok
* pass
* pipe
* restart
Please see the list of subroutines to see what return actions are
available where.
VCL has if tests, but no loops.
The contents of another VCL file may be inserted at any point in the
code by using the *include* keyword followed by the name of the other
file as a quoted string.
.. Varnish documentation master file, created by
sphinx-quickstart on Tue Apr 20 13:02:15 2010.
.. We use the following header indicators
.. For titles:
.. H1
.. %%%%%
.. Title
.. %%%%%
.. H2 - H5
.. ======================
.. ----------------------
.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
.. ......................
Welcome to Varnish's documentation!
......@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ move traffic.
......@@ -11,14 +11,14 @@ are most comfortable with.
Source or packages?
Installing Varnish on most relevant operating systems can usually
be done with with the systems package manager, typical examples
From source:
``cd /usr/ports/varnish && make install clean``
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Binary package:
``pkg_add -r varnish``
We try to keep the latest version available as prebuilt RPMs (el5) on
` <>`. See the
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ the latest version there is Varnish 2.0.6.
EPEL6 should have Varnish 2.1 available once it releases.
Varnish is distributed with both Debian and Ubuntu. In order to get
Varnish up and running type `sudo apt-get install varnish`. Please
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ instructions for `Debian
Other systems
You are probably best of compiling your own code. See `Compiling
Varnish from source`_.
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ Please note that a git checkout will need some more build-dependencies
than listed below, in particular the Python Docutils and Sphinx.
Build dependencies on Debian / Ubuntu
In order to build Varnish from source you need a number of packages
installed. On a Debian or Ubuntu system these are:
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ installed. On a Debian or Ubuntu system these are:
* pkg-config
Build dependencies on Red Hat / CentOS
To build Varnish on a Red Hat or CentOS system you need the following
packages installed:
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ packages installed:
* pkgconfig
Configuring and compiling
Next, configuration: The configuration will need the dependencies
above satisfied. Once that is taken care of::
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ fails, something is horribly wrong, and you will get nowhere without
figuring out what.
And finally, the true test of a brave heart::
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ In order for you to install Varnish you must have the following:
* A fairly modern and 64 bit version of either
- Linux
- FreeBSD
- Solaris
- Solaris (x86 only)
* root access to said system
......@@ -19,4 +19,5 @@ time, said to work on:
* OS X
* NetBSD
* OpenBSD
* Windows with Cygwin
Upgrading from Varnish 2.1 to 3.0
This is a compilation of items you need to pay attention to when upgrading from Varnish 2.1 to 3.0
Changes to VCL
In most cases you need to update your VCL since there has been some changes to the syntax.
string concatenation operator
String concatenation did not have an operator previously, but this has now been changed to ``+``.
no more %-escapes in strings
To simplify strings, the %-encoding has been removed. If you need non-printable characters, you need to use inline C.
``log`` moved to the std vmod
``log`` has moved to the std vmod::
log "log something";
import std;
std.log("log something");
You only need to import std once.
purges are now called bans
``purge()`` and ``purge_url()`` are now respectively ``ban()`` and ``ban_url()``, so you should replace all occurences::
purge("req.url = " req.url);
ban("req.url = " + req.url);
``purge`` does not take any arguments anymore, but can be used in vcl_hit or vcl_miss to purge the item from the cache, where you would reduce ttl to 0 in Varnish 2.1::
sub vcl_hit {
if (req.request == "PURGE") {
set obj.ttl = 0s;
error 200 "Purged.";
sub vcl_hit {
if (req.request == "PURGE") {
error 200 "Purged.";
``beresp.cacheable`` and ``obj.cacheable`` are gone
``beresp.cacheable`` is gone, and can be replaced with ``beresp.ttl > 0s``. Similarly ``obj.cacheable`` can be replaced with ``obj.ttl > 0s``.
returns are now done with the ``return()`` function
``pass``, ``pipe``, ``lookup``, ``deliver``, ``fetch``, ``hash``, ``pipe`` and ``restart`` are no longer keywords, but arguments to ``return()``, so::
sub vcl_pass {
sub vcl_pass {
``req.hash`` is replaced with ``hash_data()``
You no longer append to the hash with ``+=``, so::
set req.hash += req.url;
``esi`` is replaced with ``beresp.do_esi``
You no longer enable ESI with ``esi``, so::
in ``vcl_fetch`` becomes::
set beresp.do_esi = true;
``pass`` in ``vcl_fetch`` renamed to ``hit_for_pass``
The difference in behaviour of ``pass`` in ``vcl_recv`` and
``vcl_fetch`` confused people, so to make it clearer that they are
different, you must now do ``return(hit_for_pass)`` when doing a pass
in ``vcl_fetch``.
Changes to runtime parameters
Deleted parameters
``cache_vbe_conns`` and ``err_ttl`` has been removed.
New parameters
The following parameters have been added, see man varnishd for reference:
* ``default_keep``
* ``expiry_sleep``
* ``fetch_maxchunksize``
* ``gzip_level``
* ``gzip_memlevel``
* ``gzip_stack_buffer``
* ``gzip_tmp_space``
* ``gzip_window``
* ``http_gzip_support``
* ``http_req_hdr_len``
* ``http_req_size``
* ``http_resp_hdr_len``
* ``http_resp_size``
* ``shortlived``
* ``thread_pool_workspace``
* ``vcc_err_unref``
* ``vcl_dir``
* ``vmod_dir``
Changed default values
The following parameters have new defaults:
* ``ban_lurker_sleep`` changed from 0 to 0.01 seconds, enabling the ban lurker by default.
* ``connect_timeout`` changed from 0.4 to 0.7 seconds.
* ``log_hashstring`` changed from off to on.
* ``send_timeout`` changed from 600 to 60 seconds.
* ``thread_pool_add_delay`` changed from 20 to 2 ms.
Changed parameter names
The following parameters have new names:
* ``http_headers`` has been renamed to ``http_max_hdr``.
* ``max_esi_includes`` has been renamed to ``max_esi_depth``.
* ``overflow_max`` has been renamed to ``queue_max``.
* ``purge_dups`` has been renamed to ``ban_dups``.
Changes to behaviour
Varnish will return an error when headers are too large instead of just ignoring them. If the limits are too low, Varnish will return HTTP 413. You can change the limits by increasing http_req_hdr_len and http_req_size.
thread_pool_max is now per thread pool, while it was a total across all pools in 2.1. If you had this set in 2.1, you should adjust it for 3.0.
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