Commit bf1f446e authored by Per Buer's avatar Per Buer

doc http_gzip_support

parent 6affa47b
......@@ -484,6 +484,21 @@ http_headers
This space is preallocated in sessions and workthreads only objects allocate only space for the headers
they store.
Default: on
Enable gzip support. When enabled Varnish will compress
uncompressed objects before they are stored in the cache. If a
client does not support gzip encoding Varnish will uncompress
compressed objects on demand.
Varnish will also rewrite the Accept-Encoding header of clients indicating support for gzip to:
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Clients that do not support gzip will have their Accept-Encoding
header removed. For more information no how gzip is implemted
please see the chapter on gzip in the Varnish reference.
Default: off
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