Commit ec121fd8 authored by Artur Bergman's avatar Artur Bergman

embarrassed -- conflict sneaked into the autogenerated file

git-svn-id: d4fa192b-c00b-0410-8231-f00ffab90ce4
parent 0a397e89
......@@ -159,10 +159,10 @@ vcl_output_lang_h(struct vsb *sb)
/* ../../include/vcl.h */
vsb_cat(sb, "/*\n * $Id: vcc_gen_fixed_token.tcl 3781 2009-02-17 10");
vsb_cat(sb, ":29:20Z phk $\n *\n * NB: This file is machine genera");
vsb_cat(sb, "ted, DO NOT EDIT!\n *\n * Edit and run vcc_gen_fixed_t");
vsb_cat(sb, "oken.tcl instead\n */\n\nstruct sess;\n");
vsb_cat(sb, "/*\n * $Id: vcc_gen_fixed_token.tcl 3948 2009-03-18 11");
vsb_cat(sb, ":25:43Z kristian $\n *\n * NB: This file is machine g");
vsb_cat(sb, "enerated, DO NOT EDIT!\n *\n * Edit and run vcc_gen_fi");
vsb_cat(sb, "xed_token.tcl instead\n */\n\nstruct sess;\n");
vsb_cat(sb, "struct cli;\n\ntypedef void vcl_init_f(struct cli *);\n");
vsb_cat(sb, "typedef void vcl_fini_f(struct cli *);\n");
vsb_cat(sb, "typedef int vcl_func_f(struct sess *sp);\n");
......@@ -322,16 +322,14 @@ vcl_output_lang_h(struct vsb *sb)
/* ../../include/vrt_obj.h */
vsb_cat(sb, "/*\n * $Id$\n");
vsb_cat(sb, " *\n * NB: This file is machine generated, DO NOT EDI");
vsb_cat(sb, "T!\n *\n * Edit vcc_gen_obj.tcl instead\n");
vsb_cat(sb, "/*\n * $Id: vcc_gen_obj.tcl 3949 2009-03-18 12:10:46Z ");
vsb_cat(sb, "sky $\n *\n * NB: This file is machine generated, DO ");
vsb_cat(sb, "NOT EDIT!\n *\n * Edit vcc_gen_obj.tcl instead\n");
vsb_cat(sb, " */\n\nstruct sockaddr * VRT_r_client_ip(const struct ");
vsb_cat(sb, "sess *);\nstruct sockaddr * VRT_r_server_ip(struct ses");
vsb_cat(sb, "s *);\n<<<<<<< .mine\nconst char * VRT_r_server_hostna");
vsb_cat(sb, "me(struct sess *);\nconst char * VRT_r_server_identity");
vsb_cat(sb, "(struct sess *);\n=======\nconst char * VRT_r_server_h");
vsb_cat(sb, "ostname(struct sess *);\n>>>>>>> .r3947\n");
vsb_cat(sb, "int VRT_r_server_port(struct sess *);\n");
vsb_cat(sb, "s *);\nconst char * VRT_r_server_hostname(struct sess ");
vsb_cat(sb, "*);\nconst char * VRT_r_server_identity(struct sess *)");
vsb_cat(sb, ";\nint VRT_r_server_port(struct sess *);\n");
vsb_cat(sb, "const char * VRT_r_req_request(const struct sess *);\n");
vsb_cat(sb, "void VRT_l_req_request(const struct sess *, const char");
vsb_cat(sb, " *, ...);\nconst char * VRT_r_req_url(const struct ses");
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