Commit f24f1762 authored by Per Andreas Buer's avatar Per Andreas Buer

Converted varnisadm(1) to rst. Isn't it beutiful?

git-svn-id: d4fa192b-c00b-0410-8231-f00ffab90ce4
parent 0b257766
Control a running varnish instance
:Author: Cecilie Fritzvold
:Author: Per Buer
:Date: 2008-01-31
:Copyright: public domain
:Version: 0.2
:Manual section: 1
varnishadm [-t timeout] [-S secret_file] -T address:port [command [...]]
The varnishadm utility establishes a CLI connection using the -T and -S arguments.
If a command is given, the command and arguments are sent over the CLI
connection and the result returned on stdout.
If no command argument is given varnishadm will pass commands and
replies between the CLI socket and stdin/stdout.
-t timeout Wait no longer than this many seconds for an operation to finish.
-S secret_file Specify the authentication secret file. This should be the same -S
argument as was given to varnishd. Only processes which can read
the contents of this file, will be able to authenticate the CLI connection.
-T address:port Connect to the management interface at the specified address and port.
Available commands and parameters are documented in the varnishd(1)
manual page. Additionally, a summary of commands can be obtained by
issuing the *help* command, and a summary of parameters can be
obtained by issuing the ** command.
If a command is given, the exit status of the varnishadm utility is
zero if the command succeeded, and non-zero otherwise.
Some ways you can use varnishadm:::
varnishadm -T localhost:999 -S /var/db/secret vcl.use foo
echo vcl.use foo | varnishadm -T localhost:999 -S /var/db/secret
echo vcl.use foo | ssh vhost varnishadm -T localhost:999 -S /var/db/secret
* varnishd(1)
The varnishadm utility and this manual page were written by Cecilie
Fritzvold. Converted to reStructured and updated in 2010 by Per
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