1. 28 Feb, 2012 6 commits
  2. 27 Feb, 2012 8 commits
  3. 24 Feb, 2012 12 commits
  4. 03 Nov, 2011 1 commit
  5. 31 Oct, 2011 3 commits
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  7. 26 Oct, 2011 1 commit
  8. 24 Oct, 2011 1 commit
  9. 21 Oct, 2011 3 commits
  10. 18 Oct, 2011 1 commit
    • Kristian Lyngstol's avatar
      Formally remove error from vcl_deliver VCC · 6d263051
      Kristian Lyngstol authored
      Note that error wasn't actually working in vcl_deliver, and this just puts
      VCC in line with the rest of Varnish. Syntax errors are better than assert
      Re #1027
      I'll leave it for later discussion to see if we close #1027, which is
      technically a feature request now, though a request for a feature we used
      to have (not sure how well it worked).