Commit 050d0ff3 authored by Andreas Plesner Jacobsen's avatar Andreas Plesner Jacobsen Committed by Tollef Fog Heen

Add documentation of string syntax, rollback, panic and synthetic keywords.

Fixes: #991
parent 8d3ad6e2
......@@ -39,6 +39,12 @@ In addition to the C-like assignment (=), comparison (==, !=) and
boolean (!, && and \|\|) operators, VCL supports both regular
expression and ACL matching using the ~ and the !~ operators.
Basic strings are enclosed in " ... " and uses URL-style %-escapes.
Long strings are enclosed in {" ... "} and do not have an escape
character. They may contain any character including ", newline and
other control characters except for the NUL (0x00) character.
Unlike C and Perl, the backslash (\) character has no special meaning
in strings in VCL, so it can be freely used in regular expressions
without doubling.
......@@ -55,6 +61,15 @@ You can use the *set* keyword to arbitrary HTTP headers. You can
remove headers with the *remove* or *unset* keywords, which are
You can use the *rollback* keyword to revert any changes to req at
any time.
The *synthetic* keyword is used to produce a synthetic response
body in vcl_error. It takes a single string as argument.
You can force a crash of the client process with the *panic* keyword.
*panic* takes a string as argument.
The ``return(action)`` keyword terminates the subroutine. *action* can be,
depending on context one of
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