Commit 13c82f99 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

varnishevent: add conf file required for regression test

parent f474ead3
# varnishevent test configuration
monitor.interval = 0
cformat=%b %H %h %{Host}i %{User-Agent}i %{Accept-Ranges}o %{Age}o %{Connection}o %{Content-Length}o %{Content-Type}o %{Date}o %{ETag}o %{Last-Modified}o %{Server}o %{Transfer-Encoding}o %{Vary}o %{Via}o %{X-Varnish}o %l %m %q %r %s %t %{%F-%T}t %U %u %{Varnish:time_firstbyte}x %{Varnish:hitmiss}x %{Varnish:handling}x %{VCL_Log:xid}x %{tag:Gzip}x %{tag:Length}x %{tag:ReqEnd}x %{tag:ReqStart}x %{tag:RxProtocol}x %{tag:RxRequest}x %{tag:RxURL}x %{tag:TxProtocol}x %{tag:TxResponse}x %{tag:TxStatus}x %{incomplete:T:F}x
bformat=%b %H %h %{Accept-Encoding}i %{Host}i %{User-Agent}i %{X-Forwarded-For}i %{X-Varnish}i %{Accept-Ranges}o %{Connection}o %{Content-Encoding}o %{Content-Length}o %{Content-Type}o %{Date}o %{ETag}o %{Last-Modified}o %{Server}o %{Transfer-Encoding}o %{Vary}o %l %m %q %r %s %t %{%F-%T}t %U %u %{tag:BackendClose}x %{tag:BackendReuse}x %{tag:Length}x %{tag:RxProtocol}x %{tag:RxResponse}x %{tag:RxStatus}x %{tag:TxProtocol}x %{tag:TxRequest}x %{tag:TxURL}x %{incomplete:T:F}x
log.file = -
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