Commit 36686c89 authored by Rubén Romero's avatar Rubén Romero Committed by GitHub

Correct date for 4.1.7 release

parent 88dc592f
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Release Date Notes Download
:ref:`rel5.1.2` 2017-04-07 Fresh `varnish-5.1.2.tar.gz`_
:ref:`rel5.1.1` 2017-03-16 Superseded `varnish-5.1.1.tar.gz`_
:ref:`rel5.0.0` 2016-09-15 Retired `varnish-5.0.0.tar.gz`_
:ref:`rel4.1.7` 2016-04-26 Supported `varnish-4.1.7.tar.gz`_
:ref:`rel4.1.7` 2017-06-28 Supported `varnish-4.1.7.tar.gz`_
:ref:`rel4.0.4` 2016-11-30 End Of Life `varnish-4.0.4.tar.gz`_
Varnish Cache 3.0.7 2015-03-23 End Of Life `varnish-3.0.7.tar.gz`_
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