Commit 4ab53f90 authored by Martin Blix Grydeland's avatar Martin Blix Grydeland

Add 6.0.9 landing page

parent f1e3f063
.. _rel6.0.9:
Varnish Cache 6.0.9
* Source download :download:`varnish-6.0.9.tgz <varnish-6.0.9.tgz>`
* SHA256=507314583834abc0a733813d99a7b90613cb531708486e9e32b0033699e717bc
* This release in the 6.0 LTS brach contains several bug fixes. More
information is available in the changelog.
More information:
* `changes.rst entry for 6.0.9 <>`_
* `List of changes and other good reasons to update to 6.0 </docs/6.0/whats-new/changes-6.0.html>`_
* `Upgrading </docs/6.0/whats-new/upgrading-6.0.html>`_
For installation instructions including information about cloud images see
`the Varnish Installation Manual </docs/trunk/installation/index.html>`_
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