Commit 7949a8cc authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Add k8s-ingress (Kubernetes Ingress controller based on Varnish)

parent bd3cdfa6
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ ScaleSimple - CDN & VCL UI,,Node Management,,No
Varnish Administration Console (VAC),,Cluster Management,,Varnish Software
VaaS -,,Cluster Management,,No
Vaban,,Cluster Management,,No
k8s-ingress,Kubernetes Ingress Controller based on Varnish,Cluster Management,,Uplex
Emacs VCL Mode,,Syntax Highlighting,,No
Kate/Kwrite VCL/VTC Highlighting,,Syntax Highlighting,,No
SublimeText VCL plugin,,Syntax Highlighting,,No
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