Commit e776353e authored by Poul-Henning Kamp's avatar Poul-Henning Kamp

Move table of CVEs to top and bring it up to date.

parent 582be307
Security, bugs & vulnerabilities
* Rev. 2018-11-15 *phk*
* Rev. 2019-10-07 *phk*
List of all Varnish CVEs
============ =============== ============================================
Versions CVE What
============ =============== ============================================
6.0, 6.2 CVE-2019-15892_ :ref:`vsv00003`
4.1, 5.2 CVE-2017-8807_ :ref:`vsv00002`
4.x, 5.x CVE-2017-12425_ :ref:`vsv00001`
< 3.0.5 CVE-2013-4484_ DoS
<= 3.0.3 CVE-2013-0345_ Local information leak
2.0.6 CVE-2009-4488_ Trophy hunting
< 2.1.0 CVE-2009-2936_ Trophy hunting
============ =============== ============================================
.. _CVE-2019-15892:
.. _CVE-2017-8807:
.. _CVE-2017-12425:
.. _CVE-2013-4484:
.. _CVE-2013-0345:
.. _CVE-2009-4488:
.. _CVE-2009-2936:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
......@@ -71,7 +95,7 @@ would react to a major security issue:
Define "Major"
As you will notice if you peruse the CVEs listed below, we are not
As you will notice if you peruse the CVEs listed above, we are not
kindly inclined to trophy-hunting and shrill alarmism.
If security advisories are to have any utility, they should be both
......@@ -86,7 +110,6 @@ On the other hand, if we find anything, on our own or thanks to
external contributors, which imperil Varnish users, we will not
hesitate to issue a CVE to get peoples attention.
11 years, really?
......@@ -97,17 +120,6 @@ since the very start.
`Here is a piece I wrote about it last year </docs/trunk/phk/thatslow.html>`_
List of all Varnish security issues
* CVE-____-____ -- :ref:`vsv00001`
* `CVE-2013-4484 -- < 3.0.5 -- DoS <>`_
* `CVE-2013-0345 -- <= 3.0.3 -- Local information leak <>`_
* `CVE-2009-4488 -- 2.0.6 -- Trophy hunting <>`_
* `CVE-2009-2936 -- < 2.1.0 -- Trophy hunting <>`_
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