Commit f51fad75 authored by Martin Blix Grydeland's avatar Martin Blix Grydeland

Update workaround with suggestions from @nigoroll

parent f816c487
......@@ -44,24 +44,20 @@ Mitigation
If upgrading Varnish is not possible, it is possible to mitigate the
problem by ensuring that the Varnish Server does not allow connection
reuse on HTTP/1 client connections. Be advised that this comes with a
performance penalty, and should for this reason only be considered as a
temporary workaround in environments where this performance penalty is
acceptable. To deploy the workaround, put the following VCL configuration
towards the top of the VCL configuration::
sub vcl_synth {
if (req.proto != "HTTP/2.0") {
set resp.http.Connection = "close";
reuse on HTTP/1 client connections once a request body has been seen on
the connection. To deploy the workaround, put the following VCL
configuration towards the top of the VCL configuration::
sub vcl_deliver {
if (req.proto != "HTTP/2.0") {
sub vsv8 {
if ((req.http.Content-Length || req.http.Transfer-Encoding) &&
req.proto != "HTTP/2.0") {
set resp.http.Connection = "close";
sub vcl_synth { call vsv8; }
sub vcl_deliver { call vsv8; }
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