Commit 97db80ce authored by Lasse Karstensen's avatar Lasse Karstensen

Add script for uploading packages easier.

There is no way to say "for all debian and ubuntu dists, use this", so
we must upload the same files to all platforms we care about.
parent 58adc0a9
# Upload packages to
REPO="lkarsten/varnish41" # For now.
if [ -z "$*" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 deb|el6|el7 package1 [packageN..]"
exit 1
if [ $1 == "deb" ]; then
package_cloud push $REPO/debian/jessie $*
package_cloud push $REPO/debian/stretch $*
package_cloud push $REPO/ubuntu/trusty $*
package_cloud push $REPO/ubuntu/xenial $*
elif [ $1 == "el6" ]; then
package_cloud push $REPO/el/6 $*
elif [ $1 == "el7" ]; then
package_cloud push $REPO/el/7 $*
echo "ERROR: Unknown mode $1"
exit 2
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