• Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar
    Enable automake maintainer mode for development · 8abc20da
    Dridi Boukelmoune authored
    In maintainer mode, whenever a file managed by autoconf or automake is
    changed it is regenerated on the fly. For Makefile.am files this also
    applies to any fragment .am file referenced by the include directive.
    The configure script disables the maintainer mode by default, which is
    probably a sane behavior because downstream usage of dist archives don't
    need the various autotools to be present, unless a Makefile or similar
    is patched.
    This is explicitly enabled by the autogen.des script, in order to make
    this change only impact development, saving most of the time a configure
    step after amending something in the build.
    Refs #3184
autogen.des 967 Bytes