• Geoff Simmons's avatar
    Add the .authority field to backend definitions. · 15a8e6c0
    Geoff Simmons authored
    If the .via field is also set, then the value of .authority is set
    as the authority TLV in the PROXY header. This gives the "true"
    backend (usually the ssl-onloader) the opportunity to set the SNI
    (HostName field) from the TLV value, for the TLS handshake with the
    remote backend.
    This mandates that PROXYv2 is always used with a via backend (since
    only version 2 supports TLVs).
    If the value of .authority is the empty string, then the TLV is not
    sent. If .authority is not set for the backend, then fall back to
    .host_header, which itself may have been a fallback to .host. Note
    that if neither .authority nor .host_header is set, and .host is
    set to an IP address, then the IP address is forwarded as the SNI
    value, which is not permitted for HostName (RFC4366 ch 3.1). So
    users are advised to set either .authority or .host_header, or set
    .authority="", when .via is set.
    Usage note with haproxy:
    To enable sending SNI when haproxy is used as a TLS onloader, ``sni
    fc_pp_authority`` needs to be used with the backend configuration.
    Full usage example with haproxy 2.2:
    listen sslon
    	mode	tcp
    	maxconn	1000
    	bind	/shared/varnish_haproxy/haproxy_sslon accept-proxy mode 777
    	stick-table type ip size 100
    	stick	on dst
    	server	s00 ssl ca-file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt alpn http/1.1 sni fc_pp_authority
    	server	s01 ssl ca-file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt alpn http/1.1 sni fc_pp_authority
    	# ...
    A higher number of servers improves TLS session caching.
cache_backend.c 19.4 KB