• Nils Goroll's avatar
    count all bans towards ban_cutoff · 27b951bb
    Nils Goroll authored
    ... also (C)ompleted bans.
    The previous code made a lot of sense in light of the performance issue
    due to too many bans, but would not work to prune a long ban list due to
    (R)equest bans at the tail, as in this example:
    Present bans:
    1607346873.538879 354304 C
    1607346873.532313     0 C
    ... lots of (C)ompleted bans
    1607083561.980118     0 -  req.http.Host ~ foo
    1607083561.972629    15 C
    The documentation does not mention the previous behavior (that only
    "active" bans are being counted), so this changes aligns code to
cache_ban_lurker.c 11.3 KB