• Nils Goroll's avatar
    Revert "kill stale oc for backend synth" · 5014b338
    Nils Goroll authored
    This reverts commit de3e581e.
    tests/saintmode/test04.vtc from varnish-modules revealed that there may
    be use cases where it is implied that vcl_backend_error will leave a
    ttl=0 object and the sale object will remain in place.
    This can be resolved by:
    	- return(abandon) for these cases or
    	- making the HSH_Kill conditional on bo->fetch_objcore->ttl > 0
    but I already has concerns regarding the impact of this change and have
    them even more now.
    We need time to ponder about the consequences and a documented
    inefficiency is better than unexpected behaviour in a release.
cache_fetch.c 24.8 KB