• Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar
    Introduce a new "busy" VCL temperature · 57a5b9c7
    Dridi Boukelmoune authored
    Now that VCLs can be referenced, there are two different situations
    stalling the cooldown. The "cooling" one is kept for VCLs that have
    received a COLD event, and the "busy" one is introduced to wait for
    ongoing transactions.
    Basically, if there are transactions, the VCL is still active even
    though it's not *the* active VCL and should therefore be considered
    warm. This guarantees that WARM and COLD events are balanced, and
    also that a "busy" VCL doesn't need to warm up if it is set to warm
    The new VCL temperature engine looks like this:
      |              .--W>---.    v
    init ---> cold --|       |-- warm --.
              ^  ^   '---<C--'    |     |
              |  |                |     |
              |  '--- cooling <C--'     |
              |         ^               |
              |         C               |
              |         |    .---<---.  |
              '--<C-- busy --|       |--'
    The transitions marked with a 'W' or a 'C' are the one dispatching
    WARM and COLD events respectively.
    Since the "busy" state is considered warm, VMODs should operate as
    such and backend creation remains possible.
cache_vcl.c 18.9 KB