• Nils Goroll's avatar
    stabilize test · 0fd4edc5
    Nils Goroll authored
    The refcount of the vcl can also have gone down to zero as in this vtc
    **   top  === process p1 -write "vcl.li\t\r"
    **** p1   Writing 8 bytes
    **   top  === process p1 -expect-text 0 1 "active   auto    warm         1...
    **** dT   2.143
    **** p1   output|varnish> vcl.list
    **** dT   2.173
    **** p1   output|varnish>
    **** p1   output|
    **** p1   output|200
    **** p1   output|active   auto    warm         0    vcl1
    **** dT   2.212
    **** v1   vsl|          0 CLI             - Rd vcl.list
    **** v1   vsl|          0 CLI             - Wr 200 40 active   auto    warm         0    vcl1
    As the process facility does not support regexp-expects (yet?), we just
    check for the beginning of the line
u00011.vtc 583 Bytes