• Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar
    wrk: Give bgfetch tasks the lowest priority · d5b75354
    Dridi Boukelmoune authored
    The goal is to prevent grace mode from adding load to a saturated
    Varnish server.
    A background fetch entering the queue will block the client task that
    triggerred it until it starts its execution, and reaches the point
    where it no longer needs to hold onto its req.
    On a saturated system this can result in significant client latency
    despite a grace hit. A stale object can be served until the end of its
    grace period, at which point a regular fetch would be attempted, and
    eligible to queuing if that is still necessary.
    This turns the Pool_Task() failure dead branch from VBF_Fetch() into a
    reachable one.
c00120.vtc 588 Bytes