• Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar
    param: Restore old default h2_max_header_list_size · 86f20a7d
    Dridi Boukelmoune authored
    Except that the old default value replaces the maximum one. Aligning
    with the literal maximum value for the underlying HTTP/2 setting breaks
    32bit builds because the byte tweaks take a detour via ssize_t. When it
    casts to uintmax_t the MSB is propagated all the way, triggering the
    following error at build time:
    > 4294967295b is too large for this architecture.
    Instead of fighting a tweak that is clearly wrong, grant h2 clients a
    maximum of 2GB of uncompressed headers (instead of 4GB) that will never
    happen, because h2 is overall much wronger.
params.h 51.9 KB