• Poul-Henning Kamp's avatar
    Add a new mode to server instance 'b0', where it acts like "a normal · b1dd6679
    Poul-Henning Kamp authored
    webserver" and dispatches a thread for each incomming connection.
    This is an example use:
    	server s0 {
    		loop 10 {
    			txresp -body "foo1"
    		txresp -hdr "Connection: close" -body "foo1"
    	} -dispatch
    Each connection will spawn a dynamically created s%d instance
    starting with s1, s2 ...
    Each of these will respond to 11 requests on the accepted connection,
    the last response will have "Connection: close" and they will
    expect the other end (varnish) to do that.
    The main limitation on using this for bulk traffic tests is the
    finite and limited size of the vtc_log which varnishtest will
    collect (half a megabyte).
    Test b00048 is about as much traffic as will fit in the vtc_log.
vtc.h 3.21 KB