• Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar
    varnishncsa: Add support for the -k option · d13249f9
    Dridi Boukelmoune authored
    I found myself needing this option to incrementally build a query and a
    format on a large VSL compressed file. Because of the small nature of
    the ncsa output I was working with and the narrow query I was refining,
    and the decompression delay, it would take forever to complete this
        zcat '...' | varnishncsa -r - -g request -q '...' -F '...' | head -n 5
    With the -k option it happens instantly. Alternatively, it could
    probably have worked also with the -u option, but it wouldn't be a
    one-liner change, and it would also result in a more complex command:
        zcat '...' | varnishncsa -r - -g request -q '...' -F '...' -k 5
        # vs
        zcat '...' | varnishncsa -r - -g request -q '...' -F '...' -u | head -n 5
    The -k option would also generally be useful in "live" mode.
varnishncsa_options.h 3.97 KB