Commit 05d0d530 authored by Per Buer's avatar Per Buer

rewrite for readability

parent 79a0da1f
......@@ -8,23 +8,23 @@ clients and tries to answer them from its cache. If it cannot answer
the request from its cache it will forward the request to the backend,
fetch the response, store it and deliver it to the client.
When Varnish has a cached response ready it is typically delivered in
a matter of microseconds, several orders of magnitude faster than your
typical application server, so you want to make sure to have it answer
as many of the requests as possible.
Varnish decides whether it can store the content or not based on the
response it's gets back from the backend. The backend can instruct
Varnish to cache the content with the HTTP response header
Varnish will be very careful when it encounters cookies, either coming
from the client or from the origin server. When Varnish sees a
Set-Cookie header on a response it decides that the object is not
cacheable. When there is a Cookie header in the request it will also
refuse to serve a cached object and rather ask the backend for version
of the object that is tailored to the request.
Cache-Control. There are a few other conditions where Varnish will not
cache, the most common one being cookies. Since cookies is a good
indication that a web object is personlised, Varnish will with it's
default configuration, not cache it.
This behaviour and most other behaviour can be changed using policies
written in the Varnish Configuration Language. See the Users Guide
for more information on how to do that.
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