Commit 06056e30 authored by Poul-Henning Kamp's avatar Poul-Henning Kamp Committed by Lasse Karstensen

Be more consistent about per-hop/end-to-end headers.

parent 83e40dfa
......@@ -1019,7 +1019,7 @@ void http_SetStatus(struct http *to, uint16_t status);
const char *http_GetReq(const struct http *hp);
int http_HdrIs(const struct http *hp, const char *hdr, const char *val);
int http_IsHdr(const txt *hh, const char *hdr);
enum sess_close http_DoConnection(const struct http *);
enum sess_close http_DoConnection(struct http *);
void http_CopyHome(struct http *hp);
void http_Unset(struct http *hp, const char *hdr);
void http_CollectHdr(struct http *hp, const char *hdr);
......@@ -493,12 +493,13 @@ http_GetHdrField(const struct http *hp, const char *hdr,
enum sess_close
http_DoConnection(const struct http *hp)
http_DoConnection(struct http *hp)
char *p, *q;
enum sess_close ret;
unsigned u;
http_CollectHdr(hp, H_Connection);
if (!http_GetHdr(hp, H_Connection, &p)) {
if (hp->protover < 11)
return (SC_REQ_HTTP10);
......@@ -517,6 +518,17 @@ http_DoConnection(const struct http *hp)
u = pdiff(p, q);
if (u == 5 && !strncasecmp(p, "close", u))
/* Refuse removal of well-known-headers if they would pass. */
/*lint -save -e506 */
#define HTTPH(a, x, c) \
if (!((c) & HTTPH_R_PASS) && \
strlen(a) == u && !strncasecmp(a, p, u)) \
return (SC_RX_BAD);
#include "tbl/http_headers.h"
#undef HTTPH
/*lint -restore */
u = http_findhdr(hp, u, p);
if (u != 0)
hp->hdf[u] |= HDF_FILTER;
......@@ -376,6 +376,13 @@ http1_dissect(struct worker *wrk, struct req *req)
req->ws_req = WS_Snapshot(req->ws);
req->doclose = http_DoConnection(req->http);
if (req->doclose == SC_RX_BAD) {
r = write(req->sp->fd, r_400, strlen(r_400));
if (r > 0)
req->acct.resp_hdrbytes += r;
SES_Close(req->sp, req->doclose);
return (REQ_FSM_DONE);
http_Unset(req->http, H_Expect);
......@@ -23,3 +23,9 @@ client c1 {
expect req.http.Bar == <undef>
} -run
client c1 {
txreq -hdr "foo: 1" -hdr "Age: 200" -hdr "Connection: Age"
expect resp.status == 400
} -run
......@@ -29,18 +29,19 @@
/*lint -save -e525 -e539 */
SESS_CLOSE(REM_CLOSE, "Client Closed")
SESS_CLOSE(REQ_CLOSE, "Client requested close")
SESS_CLOSE(REQ_HTTP10, "Proto < HTTP/1.1")
SESS_CLOSE(RX_BODY, "Failure receiving req.body")
SESS_CLOSE(RX_JUNK, "Received junk data")
SESS_CLOSE(RX_OVERFLOW, "Received buffer overflow")
SESS_CLOSE(RX_TIMEOUT, "Receive timeout")
SESS_CLOSE(TX_PIPE, "Piped transaction")
SESS_CLOSE(TX_ERROR, "Error transaction")
SESS_CLOSE(TX_EOF, "EOF transmission")
SESS_CLOSE(RESP_CLOSE, "Backend/VCL requested close")
SESS_CLOSE(OVERLOAD, "Out of some resource")
SESS_CLOSE(REM_CLOSE, "Client Closed")
SESS_CLOSE(REQ_CLOSE, "Client requested close")
SESS_CLOSE(REQ_HTTP10, "Proto < HTTP/1.1")
SESS_CLOSE(RX_BAD, "Received bad request")
SESS_CLOSE(RX_BODY, "Failure receiving req.body")
SESS_CLOSE(RX_JUNK, "Received junk data")
SESS_CLOSE(RX_OVERFLOW, "Received buffer overflow")
SESS_CLOSE(RX_TIMEOUT, "Receive timeout")
SESS_CLOSE(TX_PIPE, "Piped transaction")
SESS_CLOSE(TX_ERROR, "Error transaction")
SESS_CLOSE(TX_EOF, "EOF transmission")
SESS_CLOSE(RESP_CLOSE, "Backend/VCL requested close")
SESS_CLOSE(OVERLOAD, "Out of some resource")
SESS_CLOSE(SESS_PIPE_OVERFLOW, "Session pipe overflow")
/*lint -restore */
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