Commit 0a02a397 authored by Martin Blix Grydeland's avatar Martin Blix Grydeland

Add Date and Server headers also on backend error objects

parent 99193208
......@@ -653,11 +653,14 @@ vbf_stp_error(struct worker *wrk, struct busyobj *bo)
struct storage *st;
ssize_t l;
double now;
char time_str[VTIM_FORMAT_SIZE];
VSLb_ts_busyobj(bo, "Error", W_TIM_real(wrk));
now = W_TIM_real(wrk);
VSLb_ts_busyobj(bo, "Error", now);
AN(bo->fetch_objcore->flags & OC_F_BUSY);
......@@ -669,6 +672,9 @@ vbf_stp_error(struct worker *wrk, struct busyobj *bo)
HTTP_Setup(bo->beresp, bo->ws, bo->vsl, SLT_BerespMethod);
http_SetResp(bo->beresp, "HTTP/1.1", 503, "Backend fetch failed");
VTIM_format(now, time_str);
http_PrintfHeader(bo->beresp, "Date: %s", time_str);
http_SetHeader(bo->beresp, "Server: Varnish");
bo->exp.t_origin = bo->t_prev;
bo->exp.ttl = 0;
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