Commit 0aac4167 authored by Per Buer's avatar Per Buer

4.0 rewrite

parent 56adaeb2
...@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ yourself doing frequently. ...@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ yourself doing frequently.
The vcl_recv subroutine may terminate with calling ``return()`` on one The vcl_recv subroutine may terminate with calling ``return()`` on one
of the following keywords: of the following keywords:
error code [reason] error
Return the specified error code to the client and abandon the request. Return the specified error code to the client and abandon the request.
pass pass
...@@ -31,56 +31,117 @@ of the following keywords: ...@@ -31,56 +31,117 @@ of the following keywords:
pipe pipe
Switch to pipe mode. Control will eventually pass to vcl_pipe. Switch to pipe mode. Control will eventually pass to vcl_pipe.
lookup hash
Look up the requested object in the cache. Control will Continue processing the object as a potential candidate for
eventually pass to vcl_hit or vcl_miss, depending on whether the caching. Passes the control over to vcl_hash.
object is in the cache. The ``bereq.method`` value will be set
to ``GET`` regardless of the value of ``req.method``.
Calls vcl_purge where the object will be purged.
vcl_backend_fetch vcl_pipe
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
Called before sending the backend request. In this subroutine you Called upon entering pipe mode. In this mode, the request is passed
typically alter the request before it gets to the backend. on to the backend, and any further data from either client or backend
is passed on unaltered until either end closes the
connection. Basically, Varnish will degrade into a simple TCP proxy,
shuffling bytes back and forth.
.. XXX Return statements? The vcl_pipe subroutine may terminate with calling return() with one
of the following keywords:
error code [reason]
Return the specified error code to the client and abandon the request.
vcl_backend_response pipe
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Proceed with pipe mode.
Called after a document has been successfully retrieved from the backend. vcl_pass
The vcl_backend_response subroutine may terminate with calling return() with one Called upon entering pass mode. In this mode, the request is passed
of the following keywords: on to the backend, and the backend's response is passed on to the
client, but is not entered into the cache. Subsequent requests
submitted over the same client connection are handled normally.
deliver The vcl_pass subroutine may terminate with calling return() with one
Possibly insert the object into the cache, then deliver it to the of the following keywords:
client. Control will eventually pass to vcl_deliver.
error code [reason] error [reason]
Return the specified error code to the client and abandon the request. Return the specified error code to the client and abandon the request.
hit_for_pass pass
Pass in fetch. Passes the object without caching it. This will Proceed with pass mode.
create a so-called hit_for_pass object which has the side effect
that the decision not to cache will be cached. This is to allow restart
would-be uncachable requests to be passed to the backend at the Restart the transaction. Increases the restart counter. If the number
same time. The same logic is not necessary in vcl_recv because of restarts is higher than *max_restarts* Varnish emits a guru meditation
this happens before any potential queueing for an object takes error.
place. Note that the TTL for the hit_for_pass object will be set
to what the current value of beresp.ttl is. Control will be
handled to vcl_deliver on the current request, but subsequent vcl_hit
requests will go directly to vcl_pass based on the hit_for_pass ~~~~~~~
Called is a cache lookup is successful.
restart restart
Restart the transaction. Increases the restart counter. If the number Restart the transaction. Increases the restart counter. If the number
of restarts is higher than *max_restarts* Varnish emits a guru meditation of restarts is higher than *max_restarts* Varnish emits a guru meditation
error. error.
Deliver the object. Control passes to vcl_deliver.
error [reason]
Return the specified error code to the client and abandon the request.
Called after a cache lookup if the requested document was not found in
the cache. Its purpose is to decide whether or not to attempt to
retrieve the document from the backend, and which backend to use.
The vcl_miss subroutine may terminate with calling return() with one
of the following keywords:
error [reason]
Return the specified error code to the client and abandon the request.
Switch to pass mode. Control will eventually pass to vcl_pass.
Retrieve the requested object from the backend. Control will
eventually pass to vcl_fetch.
Called after vcl_recv to create a hash value for the request. This is
used as a key to look up the object in Varnish.
Look up the object in cache.
Purge the object and all it's variants. Variants created when the
backend issues a Vary response.
Execute the purge.
Fail the purge request. Typically you would call error here it
request doesn't pass the ACLs.
vcl_deliver vcl_deliver
~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
...@@ -97,83 +158,82 @@ keywords: ...@@ -97,83 +158,82 @@ keywords:
of restarts is higher than *max_restarts* Varnish emits a guru meditation of restarts is higher than *max_restarts* Varnish emits a guru meditation
error. error.
Called when we hit an error, either explicitly or implicitly due to .. XXX
backend or internal errors. .. vcl_error
.. ~~~~~~~~~
The vcl_backend_error subroutine may terminate by calling return with one of .. Not sure if we're going to keep this around.
the following keywords:
Deliver the error object to the client.
restart vcl_backend_fetch
Restart the transaction. Increases the restart counter. If the number ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
of restarts is higher than *max_restarts* Varnish emits a guru meditation
Called before sending the backend request. In this subroutine you
typically alter the request before it gets to the backend.
vcl_pipe fetch
~~~~~~~~ Fetch the object from the backend.
Called upon entering pipe mode. In this mode, the request is passed abandon
on to the backend, and any further data from either client or Abandon the backend request and generates an error.
backend is passed on unaltered until either end closes the
The vcl_pipe subroutine may terminate with calling return() with one of vcl_backend_response
the following keywords: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
error code [reason] Called after an response has been successfully retrieved from the
Return the specified error code to the client and abandon the request. backend. The response is availble as beresp. Note that Varnish might
not be talking to an actual client, so operations that require a
client to be present are not allowed. Specifically there is no req
object and restarts are not allowed.
pipe The vcl_backend_response subroutine may terminate with calling return() with one
Proceed with pipe mode. of the following keywords:
vcl_pass deliver
~~~~~~~~ Possibly insert the object into the cache, then deliver it to the
Control will eventually pass to vcl_deliver. Caching is dependant
on beresp.cacheable.
Called upon entering pass mode. In this mode, the request is passed error [reason]
on to the backend, and the backend's response is passed on to the Return the specified error code to the client and abandon the request.
client, but is not entered into the cache. Subsequent requests
submitted over the same client connection are handled normally.
The vcl_pass subroutine may terminate with calling return() with one retry
of the following keywords: Retry the backend transaction. Increases the retries counter. If the number
of retries is higher than *max_retries* Varnish emits a guru meditation
error code [reason] vcl_backend_error
Return the specified error code to the client and abandon the request. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
pass This subroutine is called if we fail the backend fetch.
Proceed with pass mode.
restart deliver
Restart the transaction. Increases the restart counter. If the number Deliver the error.
of restarts is higher than *max_restarts* Varnish emits a guru meditation
vcl_miss retry
~~~~~~~~ Retry the backend transaction. Increases the retries counter. If the number
of retries is higher than *max_retries* Varnish emits a guru meditation
Called after a cache lookup if the requested document was not found in
the cache. Its purpose is to decide whether or not to attempt to
retrieve the document from the backend, and which backend to use.
The vcl_miss subroutine may terminate with calling return() with one vcl_backend_error
of the following keywords: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
error code [reason] Called when we hit an error, either explicitly or implicitly due to
Return the specified error code to the client and abandon the request. backend or internal errors.
pass The vcl_backend_error subroutine may terminate by calling return with one of
Switch to pass mode. Control will eventually pass to vcl_pass. the following keywords:
fetch deliver
Retrieve the requested object from the backend. Control will Deliver the error object to the client.
eventually pass to vcl_fetch.
Retry the backend transaction. Increases the retries counter. If the number
of retries is higher than *max_retries* Varnish emits a guru meditation
vcl_init vcl_init
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