Commit 0da95926 authored by Nils Goroll's avatar Nils Goroll

add a workspace dump utility function

parent ed418ea0
......@@ -119,6 +119,18 @@ $Function VOID workspace_overflow(ENUM { client, backend, session, thread })
Mark a workspace as overflowed.
$Function BLOB workspace_dump(
ENUM { client, backend, session, thread },
ENUM { s, f, r },
BYTES off=0,
BYTES len=64)
Return data from a workspace's ``s``, ``f``, or ``r`` pointer as a
blob. Data is copied onto the primary workspace to avoid it being
subsequently overwritten.
The maximum *len* is 1KB.
$Function INT typesize(STRING)
Returns the size in bytes of a collection of C-datatypes:
......@@ -209,6 +209,62 @@ VTC_WS_OP(VOID, , overflow, WS_MarkOverflow(ws))
VTC_WS_OP(BOOL, (0), overflowed, return (WS_Overflowed(ws)))
#undef VTC_WS_OP
VCL_BLOB v_matchproto_(td_vtc_workspace_dump)
vmod_workspace_dump(VRT_CTX, VCL_ENUM which, VCL_ENUM where,
struct ws *ws;
const size_t maxlen = 1024;
unsigned char buf[maxlen];
const char *p;
unsigned l;
ws = vtc_ws_find(ctx, which);
if (ws == NULL)
return (NULL);
if (len > maxlen) {
VRT_fail(ctx, "workspace_dump: max length is %zd", maxlen);
return (NULL);
if (where == VENUM(s))
p = ws->s;
else if (where == VENUM(f))
p = ws->f;
else if (where == VENUM(r))
p = ws->r;
if (p == NULL) {
VSLb(ctx->vsl, SLT_Error, "workspace_dump: NULL");
return (NULL);
p += off;
if (p >= ws->e) {
VSLb(ctx->vsl, SLT_Error, "workspace_dump: off limit");
return (NULL);
l = pdiff(p, ws->e);
if (len < l)
l = len;
assert(l < maxlen);
memcpy(buf, p, l);
p = WS_Copy(ctx->ws, buf, l);
if (p == NULL) {
VRT_fail(ctx, "workspace_dump: copy failed");
return (NULL);
return (VRT_blob(ctx, "workspace_dump", p, l, 0xd000d000));
VCL_INT v_matchproto_(td_vtc_typesize)
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