Commit 0dffccfe authored by Federico G. Schwindt's avatar Federico G. Schwindt

Add regexp matching support to the shell command

Change some tests to use the new parameter and more coverage.
parent b0916736
varnishtest "varnishncsa coverage"
server s1 -repeat 2 {
} -start
varnish v1 -vcl+backend {} -start
shell "varnishncsa -n ${v1_name} -D -P ${tmpdir}/ -w ${tmpdir}/ncsa.log"
shell -expect "Usage: varnishncsa <options>" \
"varnishncsa -h"
shell -expect "Copyright (c) 2006 Verdens Gang AS" \
"varnishncsa -V"
shell -err -expect "Missing -w option" \
{varnishncsa -D}
shell -err -expect "Unknown format specifier at: %{foo}A" \
{varnishncsa -F "%{foo}A"}
shell -err -expect "Unknown format specifier at: %A" \
{varnishncsa -F "%A"}
shell -err -expect "Unknown formatting extension: foo" \
{varnishncsa -F "%{foo}x"}
shell -err -expect "Usage: varnishncsa <options>" \
{varnishncsa extra}
shell -err -expect "Missing tag in VSL:" \
{varnishncsa -F "%{VSL:}x"}
shell -err -expect "Unknown log tag: nonexistent" \
{varnishncsa -F "%{VSL:nonexistent}x"}
shell -err -expect "Tag not unique: Req" \
{varnishncsa -F "%{VSL:Req}x"}
shell -err -expect "Unknown log tag: Begin[" \
{varnishncsa -F "%{VSL:Begin[}x"}
shell -err -expect "Syntax error: VSL:Begin]" \
{varnishncsa -F "%{VSL:Begin]}x"}
shell -err -expect "Unknown log tag: Begin[a" \
{varnishncsa -F "%{VSL:Begin[a}x"}
shell -err -expect "Syntax error: VSL:Begin[a]" \
{varnishncsa -F "%{VSL:Begin[a]}x"}
shell -err -expect "Syntax error. Field specifier must be positive: Begin[0]" \
{varnishncsa -F "%{VSL:Begin[0]}x"}
shell -err -expect "Field specifier 999999999999 for the tag VSL:Begin[999999999999] is probably too high" \
{varnishncsa -F "%{VSL:Begin[999999999999]}x"}
shell -err -expect "Can't open format file (No such file or directory)" \
{varnishncsa -f /nonexistent/file}
shell -err -expect "Empty format file" \
{varnishncsa -f /dev/null}
# In Linux and SunOS, getline(3) fails when the stream refers to a
# directory but happily works in FreeBSD.
#shell -err -expect "Can't read format from file (Is a directory)" \
# {varnishncsa -f ${tmpdir}}
delay 1
client c1 {
txreq -url /foo
} -run
delay 1
shell "mv ${tmpdir}/ncsa.log ${tmpdir}/ncsa.old.log >/dev/null 2>&1"
shell "kill -HUP `cat ${tmpdir}/`"
client c1 {
txreq -url /bar
} -run
delay 1
shell "kill `cat ${tmpdir}/`"
shell "grep -q /foo ${tmpdir}/ncsa.old.log"
shell "grep -q /bar ${tmpdir}/ncsa.log"
shell {echo "%{VSL:Begin}x %{Varnish:vxid}x %D %T %{Varnish:handling}x %{%Z}t" >${tmpdir}/format}
shell -match "req 1000 rxreq 1001 [0-9]{5} 0 miss [A-Z]{3,}" \
{varnishncsa -n ${v1_name} -d -f ${tmpdir}/format}
varnishtest "varnishlog coverage"
server s1 -repeat 2 {
} -start
varnish v1 -vcl+backend {} -start
process p1 {
exec varnishlog -n ${v1_name} -g raw -k 3 -w ${tmpdir}/vlog -A
} -start
shell {
exec varnishlog -n ${v1_name} -D -P ${tmpdir}/ \
-w ${tmpdir}/vlog.bin
shell -expect "Usage: varnishlog <options>" \
"varnishlog -h"
shell -expect "Copyright (c) 2006 Verdens Gang AS" \
"varnishlog -V"
shell -err -expect "Usage: varnishlog <options>" \
"varnishlog extra"
shell -err -expect "Missing -w option" \
"varnishlog -D"
shell -err -expect "-L: Range error" \
"varnishlog -L 0"
shell -err -expect {-i: "foo" matches zero tags} \
"varnishlog -i foo"
shell -err -expect {-i: "Resp" is ambiguous} \
"varnishlog -i Resp"
shell -err -expect {-I: "foo" matches zero tags} \
"varnishlog -I foo:bar"
shell -err -expect {-I: "Resp" is ambiguous} \
"varnishlog -I Resp:bar"
shell -err -expect {-I: Regex error at position 4 (missing ))} \
{varnishlog -I "(foo"}
shell -err -expect {-x: Syntax error in "**"} \
{varnishlog -x "**"}
shell -err -expect {-X: Syntax error in "**"} \
{varnishlog -X "**:bar"}
process p1 -wait
shell {grep -q "0 CLI" ${tmpdir}/vlog}
shell -match "0 CLI[ ]+- Wr 200 [0-9]+ PONG" \
{varnishlog -n ${v1_name} -d -g raw -X "Wr 200 [0-9]+ [^P]"}
client c1 {
txreq -url /foo
} -run
delay 1
shell "mv ${tmpdir}/vlog.bin ${tmpdir}/vlog.bin~ >/dev/null 2>&1"
shell "kill -HUP `cat ${tmpdir}/`"
client c1 {
txreq -url /bar
} -run
delay 1
shell "kill `cat ${tmpdir}/`"
shell -match {^\*[ ]+<< Request\s+>>[ ]+1001[ ]+
-[ ]+1001 ReqURL[ ]+c /foo
$} {
varnishlog -v -r ${tmpdir}/vlog.bin~ -i ReqURL -q "RespStatus == 200"
shell -match "-[ ]+BereqURL[ ]+/bar" \
"varnishlog -r ${tmpdir}/vlog.bin -x ReqURL"
......@@ -427,8 +427,9 @@ cmd_varnishtest(CMD_ARGS)
/* SECTION: shell shell
* Pass the string given as argument to a shell. If you have multiple commands
* to run, you can use curly barces to describe a multi-lines script, eg::
* Pass the string given as argument to a shell. If you have multiple
* commands to run, you can use curly barces to describe a multi-lines
* script, eg::
* shell {
* echo begin
......@@ -449,6 +450,7 @@ cmd_varnishtest(CMD_ARGS)
* -expect string - expect str to be found in stdout+err
* -match regexp - expect regexp to match the stdout+err output
* The vtc will fail if the return code of the shell is not 0.
/* SECTION: shell
......@@ -457,17 +459,26 @@ cmd_varnishtest(CMD_ARGS)
static void
cmd_shell_engine(struct vtclog *vl, int ok,
const char *cmd, const char *expect)
cmd_shell_engine(struct vtclog *vl, int ok, const char *cmd,
const char *expect, const char *re)
struct vsb *vsb;
FILE *fp;
vre_t *vre = NULL;
const char *errptr;
int r, c;
int err;
vsb = VSB_new_auto();
if (re != NULL) {
vre = VRE_compile(re, 0, &errptr, &err);
if (vre == NULL)
vtc_log(vl, 0, "shell_match invalid regexp (\"%s\")",
VSB_printf(vsb, "exec 2>&1 ; %s", cmd);
vtc_dump(vl, 4, "shell_cmd", VSB_data(vsb), -1);
......@@ -499,6 +510,14 @@ cmd_shell_engine(struct vtclog *vl, int ok,
"shell_expect not found: (\"%s\")", expect);
vtc_log(vl, 4, "shell_expect found");
} else if (vre != NULL) {
if (VRE_exec(vre, VSB_data(vsb), VSB_len(vsb), 0, 0,
NULL, 0, NULL) < 1)
vtc_log(vl, 0,
"shell_match failed: (\"%s\")", re);
vtc_log(vl, 4, "shell_match succeeded");
......@@ -507,11 +526,13 @@ cmd_shell_engine(struct vtclog *vl, int ok,
static void
const char *expect = NULL;
const char *re = NULL;
int n;
int ok = 0;
const char *expect = NULL;
if (av == NULL)
......@@ -522,14 +543,23 @@ cmd_shell(CMD_ARGS)
n += 1;
ok = atoi(av[n]);
} else if (!strcmp(av[n], "-expect")) {
if (re != NULL)
vtc_log(vl, 0,
"Cannot use -expect with -match");
n += 1;
expect = av[n];
} else if (!strcmp(av[n], "-match")) {
if (expect != NULL)
vtc_log(vl, 0,
"Cannot use -match with -expect");
n += 1;
re = av[n];
} else {
cmd_shell_engine(vl, ok, av[n], expect);
cmd_shell_engine(vl, ok, av[n], expect, re);
......@@ -549,7 +579,7 @@ cmd_err_shell(CMD_ARGS)
vtc_log(vl, 1,
"NOTICE: err_shell is deprecated, use 'shell -err -expect'");
cmd_shell_engine(vl, -1, av[2], av[1]);
cmd_shell_engine(vl, -1, av[2], av[1], NULL);
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