Commit 0fe58fb3 authored by Arianna Aondio's avatar Arianna Aondio

Remote variables not necessary to calculate the hit-rate

parent e91dc411
......@@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ struct pt {
struct hitrate {
double lt;
uint64_t lhit, lmiss;
struct ma hr_10;
struct ma hr_100;
......@@ -411,21 +410,16 @@ sample_points(void)
static void
double tv,dt;
double hr, mr, ratio;
uint64_t hit, miss;
if (VSC_C_main == NULL)
tv = VTIM_mono();
dt = tv -; tv;
hit = VSC_C_main->cache_hit;
miss = VSC_C_main->cache_miss;
hr = (hit - hitrate.lhit) / dt;
mr = (miss - hitrate.lmiss) / dt;
hr = hit - hitrate.lhit;
mr = miss - hitrate.lmiss;
hitrate.lhit = hit;
hitrate.lmiss = miss;
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