Commit 100ccc2b authored by Martin Tzvetanov Grigorov's avatar Martin Tzvetanov Grigorov Committed by Dridi Boukelmoune

Major reorganization of the CircleCI workflows

In order to build aarch64 packages it relies on the machine executors
feature based on QEMU. Since the same scripts were needed to build
packages for different architectures they were extracted in standalone
shell scripts.

Alpine Linux packages are now built in addition to RPM and Deb packages
but considering how long emulation takes for aarch64 packages, packaging
was moved to a nightly workflow.

Some changes happened in the pkg-varnish-cache repository to accomodate
the CircleCI reorganization, mainly around dependency management.

More information in the CircleCI README file.

Closes #3313
Reviewed-by: 's avatarGuillaume Quintard <>
Signed-off-by: 's avatarDridi Boukelmoune <>
parent 8551058e
Multiarch building, testing & packaging
Varnish Cache uses CircleCI_ for building, testing and creating packages for
several Linux distributions for both x86_64 and aarch64 architectures.
Since CircleCI provides only x86_64 VMs the setup uses Docker and QEMU to be
able to build, test and create packages for aarch64. This is accomplished by
registering ``qemu-user-static`` for the CircleCI ``machine`` executor::
sudo docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset --credential yes --persistent yes
Note 1: **--credential yes** is needed so that *setuid* flag is working.
Without it ``sudo`` does not work in the Docker containers with architecture
different than x86_64.
Note 2: **--persistent yes** is needed so that there is no need to use
``:register`` tag. This way one can run locally pure foreign arch Docker
images, like the official ``arm64v8/***`` ones.
With QEMU registered each build step can start a Docker image for any of the
supported architectures to execute the ``configure``, ``make``, package steps.
There are two CircleCI workflows:
It is executed after each push to any branch, including Pull Requests
The ``commit`` workflow runs two jobs:
- ``dist`` - this job creates the source code distribution of Varnish Cache as
compressed archive (``varnish-${VERSION}.tar.gz``).
- ``distcheck`` - untars the source code distribution from ``dist`` job and
builds (*configure*, *make*) on different Linux distributions
It is executed once per day at 04:00 AM UTC time.
This workflow also builds binary packages for different Linux distributions
and CPU architectures (x86_64 & aarch64) and for this reason its run takes
It runs the following jobs:
- The first two jobs that run in parallel are:
- ``tar_pkg_tools`` - this step checks out pkg-varnish-cache_ with the
packaging descriptions for Debian, RedHat and Alpine, and stores them in
the build workspace for the next steps in the pipeline.
- ``dist`` - this step creates the source code distribution of Varnish Cache
as compressed archive (``varnish-${VERSION}.tar.gz``). This archive is
also stored in the build workspace and used later by the packaging steps.
- The next job in the workflow is ``package`` - a job that creates the
packages (e.g. .rpm, .deb) for each supported CPU architecture, Linux
distribution and its major version (e.g. *x64_centos_7*,
*aarch64_ubuntu_bionic*, *x64_alpine_3*, etc.). This step creates a
Dockerfile on the fly by using a base Docker image. This custom Docker image
executes a Shell script that has the recipe for creating the package for the
specific Linux flavor, e.g. **. The step stores the
packages in the build workspace.
- Finally, if the previous jobs are successful, a final step is executed -
``collect_packages``. This step creates an archive with all packages and
stores it as an artifact that can be uploaded to PackageCloud_.
This setup can be easily extended for any CPU architectures supported by QEMU
and for any Linux distributions which have Docker image. To do this one needs
to add a new ``package`` job with the proper parameters for it.
At the moment the setup uses *raw* Docker images and installs the required
Linux distribution dependencies before running the tests/build/packaging code.
This could be optimized to save some execution time by creating custom Docker
images that extend the current ones and pre-installs the required
.. _CircleCI:
.. _pkg-varnish-cache:
.. _PackageCloud:
This diff is collapsed.
#!/usr/bin/env sh
set -eux
apk add -q --no-progress --update tar alpine-sdk
if [ -z "$PARAM_RELEASE" ]; then
echo "Env variable PARAM_RELEASE is not set! For example PARAM_RELEASE=8, for CentOS 8"
exit 1
elif [ -z "$PARAM_DIST" ]; then
echo "Env variable PARAM_DIST is not set! For example PARAM_DIST=centos"
exit 1
cd /varnish-cache
tar xazf alpine.tar.gz --strip 1
adduser -D builder
echo "builder ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers
addgroup builder abuild
mkdir -p /var/cache/distfiles
chmod -R a+w /var/cache/distfiles
echo "Generate key"
su builder -c "abuild-keygen -nai"
echo "Fix APKBUILD's variables"
tar xavf varnish-*.tar.gz
VERSION=$(varnish-*/configure --version | awk 'NR == 1 {print $NF}')
echo "Version: $VERSION"
rm -rf varnish-*/
echo "Change the ownership so that abuild is able to write its logs"
chown builder -R .
echo "Fix checksums, build"
su builder -c "abuild checksum"
su builder -c "abuild -r"
echo "Fix the APKBUILD's version"
su builder -c "mkdir apks"
ARCH=`uname -m`
su builder -c "cp /home/builder/packages/$ARCH/*.apk apks"
echo "Import the packages into the workspace"
mkdir -p packages/$PARAM_DIST/$PARAM_RELEASE/$ARCH/
mv /home/builder/packages/$ARCH/*.apk packages/$PARAM_DIST/$PARAM_RELEASE/$ARCH/
echo "Allow to read the packages by 'circleci' user outside of Docker after 'chown builder -R .' above"
chmod -R a+rwx .
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eux
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
apt-get update
apt-get install -y dpkg-dev debhelper devscripts equivs pkg-config apt-utils
if [ -z "$PARAM_RELEASE" ]; then
echo "Env variable PARAM_RELEASE is not set! For example PARAM_RELEASE=8, for CentOS 8"
exit 1
elif [ -z "$PARAM_DIST" ]; then
echo "Env variable PARAM_DIST is not set! For example PARAM_DIST=centos"
exit 1
cd /varnish-cache
ls -la
echo "Untar debian..."
tar xavf debian.tar.gz
echo "Untar orig..."
tar xavf varnish-*.tar.gz --strip 1
echo "Update changelog version..."
if [ -e .is_weekly ]; then
VERSION=$(./configure --version | awk 'NR == 1 {print $NF}')$WEEKLY~$PARAM_RELEASE
sed -i -e "s|@VERSION@|$VERSION-1|" "debian/changelog"
echo "Install Build-Depends packages..."
yes | mk-build-deps --install debian/control || true
echo "Build the packages..."
dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -j16
echo "Prepare the packages for storage..."
mkdir -p packages/$PARAM_DIST/$PARAM_RELEASE/
mv ../*.deb packages/$PARAM_DIST/$PARAM_RELEASE/
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eux
if [ -z "$PARAM_RELEASE" ]; then
echo "Env variable PARAM_RELEASE is not set! For example PARAM_RELEASE=8, for CentOS 8"
exit 1
elif [ -z "$PARAM_DIST" ]; then
echo "Env variable PARAM_DIST is not set! For example PARAM_DIST=centos"
exit 1
yum install -y epel-release
if [ "$PARAM_DIST" = centos ]; then
if [ "$PARAM_RELEASE" = 8 ]; then
dnf install -y 'dnf-command(config-manager)'
yum config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools
yum install -y rpm-build yum-utils
export DIST_DIR=build
cd /varnish-cache
rm -rf $DIST_DIR
mkdir $DIST_DIR
echo "Untar redhat..."
tar xavf redhat.tar.gz -C $DIST_DIR
echo "Untar orig..."
tar xavf varnish-*.tar.gz -C $DIST_DIR --strip 1
echo "Build Packages..."
if [ -e .is_weekly ]; then
VERSION=$("$DIST_DIR"/configure --version | awk 'NR == 1 {print $NF}')$WEEKLY
cp -r -L "$DIST_DIR"/redhat/* "$DIST_DIR"/
tar zcf "$DIST_DIR.tgz" --exclude "$DIST_DIR/redhat" "$DIST_DIR"/
rpmbuild() {
command rpmbuild \
--define "_smp_mflags -j10" \
--define "_sourcedir $CUR_DIR" \
--define "_srcrpmdir $CUR_DIR/${RESULT_DIR}" \
--define "_rpmdir $CUR_DIR/${RESULT_DIR}" \
--define "versiontag ${RPMVERSION}" \
--define "releasetag 0.0" \
--define "srcname $DIST_DIR" \
--define "nocheck 1" \
yum-builddep -y "$DIST_DIR"/redhat/varnish.spec
rpmbuild -bs "$DIST_DIR"/redhat/varnish.spec
rpmbuild --rebuild "$RESULT_DIR"/varnish-*.src.rpm
echo "Prepare the packages for storage..."
mkdir -p packages/$PARAM_DIST/$PARAM_RELEASE/
mv rpms/*/*.rpm packages/$PARAM_DIST/$PARAM_RELEASE/
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