Commit 17678355 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Document the change regarding 304 responses and pass in What's New for 5.1.

This was the rollback of the fix for #1206 brought about in #2042.
parent 2b94cd5e
......@@ -72,6 +72,45 @@ the "hit-for-pass TTL" elapses, the next request will be an ordinary
miss. So a hit-for-pass object cannot become cacheable again until
that much time has passed.
304 Not Modified responses after a pass
Related to the previous topic, there has been a change in the way
Varnish handles a very specific case: deciding whether to send a "304
Not Modified" response to the client after a pass, when the backend
had the opportunity to send a 304 response, but chose not to by
sending a 200 response status instead.
Previously, Varnish went along with the backend when this happened,
sending the 200 response together with the response body to the
client. This was the case even if the backend set the response headers
``ETag`` and/or ``Last-Modified`` so that, when compared to the
request headers ``If-None-Match`` and ``If-Modified-Since``, a 304
response would seem to be warranted. Since those headers are passed
back to the client, the result could appear a bit odd from the
client's perspective -- the client used the request headers to ask if
the response was unmodified, and the response headers seem to indicate
that it wasn't, and yet the response status suggests that it was.
Now the decision to send a 304 client response status is made solely
at delivery time, based on the contents of the client request headers
and the headers in the response that Varnish is preparing to send,
regardless of whether the backend fetch was a pass. So Varnish may
send a 304 client response after a pass, even though the backend chose
not to, having seen the same request headers (if the response headers
permit it).
We made this change for consistency -- for hits, misses, hit-for-miss,
hit-for-pass, and now pass, the decision to send a 304 client response
is based solely on the contents of client request headers and the
response headers.
You can restore the previous behavior -- don't send a 304 client
response on pass if the backend didn't -- with VCL means, either by
removing the ``ETag`` or ``Last-Modified`` headers in
``vcl_backend_response``, or by removing the If-* client request
headers in ``vcl_pass``.
News for authors of VMODs and Varnish API client applications
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